Easter Egger club!

Soooo...how do you get an actual, true bLue Ameracauna chicken then? Don't get me wrong, our easter eggers have totally come around since they all lay now, but would be nice to mix our next flock with EE and Ameraucana (plus a few other breeds)

Meyer/MPC have blue Ameraucanas. Cackle has black Ameraucanas but they aren't sexed. Other than that, breeders. Notice that I specified a color when I mentioned each of the hatchery options. If the breeder/hatchery doesn't specify a color, then you can assume they have Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas have color types, just like other breeds (think Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Mottled Java, White Leghorn, and so on). Easy Peasy! :D
Soooo...how do you get an actual, true bLue Ameracauna chicken then? Don't get me wrong, our easter eggers have totally come around since they all lay now, but would be nice to mix our next flock with EE and Ameraucana (plus a few other breeds)
The easiest way to distinguish someone selling true Ameraucana from those selling mislabeled Easter Eggers is color/variety. True Ameraucana always have a color/variety specified. They also cost about twice as much as the average Easter Egger chick.
Only a handful of hatcheries have Ameraucana. Cackle hatchery has Black Ameraucana, unsexed. Meyer, MyPetChicken.com, and Sandhill have Blue/Black/Splash.
Meyer/MPC have blue Ameraucanas. Cackle has black Ameraucanas but they aren't sexed. Other than that, breeders. Notice that I specified a color when I mentioned each of the hatchery options. If the breeder/hatchery doesn't specify a color, then you can assume they have Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas have color types, just like other breeds (think Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Mottled Java, White Leghorn, and so on). Easy Peasy! :D
cool beans then, our hatchery has true then:D we go through Meyer.
The easiest way to distinguish someone selling true Ameraucana from those selling mislabeled Easter Eggers is color/variety. True Ameraucana always have a color/variety specified. They also cost about twice as much as the average Easter Egger chick. 
Only a handful of hatcheries have Ameraucana. Cackle hatchery has Black Ameraucana, unsexed. Meyer, MyPetChicken.com, and Sandhill have Blue/Black/Splash.
that's great. Our hatchery we work with is Meyer's:) thrilled to hear they have true and not just saying it.
of course we do!!
does anyone wanna hear the story of Pepper?

well we started out with 5 EE chicks less than a month old.Blossom, Gypsy Brooklyn, no name (which is now Pepper), and Goldie they were very very happy chicks! Than they went down hill fast...my favorite chick Blossom was a happy little chick, but here and the others health slipped. They got sick and one day i came home and my Blossom wilted away into chicken heaven. The others were quickly fading away also, only Pepper was going strong! After a week or two of Blossoms death Brooklyn passed away she was a tiny little thing with lots of heart until her tiny little heart stopped to on her. I was devastated! As I regained hope with the others a sudden death struck...my Gypsy was a little perfect chick and I loved her until the end! It was down to two chicks, Pepper and Goldie both were cockerels. They were both healthy but once again Goldie's health turned for the worst.. i came home and he had went to chicken heaven. He was a feisty one but I loved that little bugger! Pepper the little survivor was the only one left all alone, no one likes him the rooster attacked him and the hens pecked him.I was the only thing he had left, the others left this earth and the rest rejected him like a CD player. He is a meracle! I was his only friend which is me! My cousin named him Moco at first but it didn't fit him! He got the name Pepper b/c I let him out when my grandma and I where picking peppers and Pepper decided to try a pepper and then i couldn't keep him away it was a workout to keep him away and that is how he got the name Pepper! Pepper is a real snuggler too! If you sit down on the ground when Pepper is out he will get in your lap and rest his head on your leg and fall to sleep! And how he loves when you pet him! One of the best things are , that the he comes when called and he follow you around! He has a scissor beak......so it is hard to eat and keep things down but some how he manages too do it but i have to clean his beak were it will not close he is calm when i do it b/c its a daily thing for us both. He does like to ride in my shoulder and arm! OMG just amagine all the snuggles i get!!!!!! Just here recently he has found a new friend (my older sister). She loves him! She was laying on the concrete with Pepper on her chest petting him, and all the sudden a Buzzard flew by and Pepper sounded the predator alarm! It was adorable! And know is attempting to crow!He is so spould!(he even comes inside the house!)

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