Easter Egger club!

My EE girls turned 7 weeks old today. Getting closer and closer to putting them in with the big girls. I think I'll do it the weekend before Thanksgiving. I've got that week off from work so will be able to keep an eye on them. I hear EE's are more flighty than other breeds and am afraid my 5 ft fence won't keep them in. I might end up having to put a cover over the run.

My EE girls turned 7 weeks old today. Getting closer and closer to putting them in with the big girls. I think I'll do it the weekend before Thanksgiving. I've got that week off from work so will be able to keep an eye on them. I hear EE's are more flighty than other breeds and am afraid my 5 ft fence won't keep them in. I might end up having to put a cover over the run.
my EE isn't that flighty at all! She's perfectly happy to stay within our 5' backyard walls.
a cover of some sort would be a good idea . we have an EE that flew out over a 6 ft tall kennel panel.

My EE girls turned 7 weeks old today. Getting closer and closer to putting them in with the big girls. I think I'll do it the weekend before Thanksgiving. I've got that week off from work so will be able to keep an eye on them. I hear EE's are more flighty than other breeds and am afraid my 5 ft fence won't keep them in. I might end up having to put a cover over the run.
my EE isn't that flighty at all! She's perfectly happy to stay within our 5' backyard walls.
Very excited right now.. Also a bit panicked! My Old English Game Bantam, Mouse went broody on us, so we gave her 5 Easter Egger eggs from the girls who were with rooster cogburn. Today was day 14!! I candled eggs last night, and so far we are 5 for 5!! Hoping it stays that way so we can hatch the first brood of chicks from our farm. We need to prepare a spot in the basement for them, and get a Mareks vaccine. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried to move a broody hen, or should we let her hatch them where she is in the coop and then put them in the basement?
Very excited right now.. Also a bit panicked! My Old English Game Bantam, Mouse went broody on us, so we gave her 5 Easter Egger eggs from the girls who were with rooster cogburn. Today was day 14!! I candled eggs last night, and so far we are 5 for 5!! Hoping it stays that way so we can hatch the first brood of chicks from our farm. We need to prepare a spot in the basement for them, and get a Mareks vaccine. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried to move a broody hen, or should we let her hatch them where she is in the coop and then put them in the basement?
If you're vaccinating for mareks, you want them quarantined before hatching.
Very excited right now.. Also a bit panicked! My Old English Game Bantam, Mouse went broody on us, so we gave her 5 Easter Egger eggs from the girls who were with rooster cogburn. Today was day 14!! I candled eggs last night, and so far we are 5 for 5!! Hoping it stays that way so we can hatch the first brood of chicks from our farm. We need to prepare a spot in the basement for them, and get a Mareks vaccine. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried to move a broody hen, or should we let her hatch them where she is in the coop and then put them in the basement?
If you can get the meds and bring your babies to Elsinore tomorrow, that would be a great demo for injections..
Quote: No snow, but we had 50 mile an hour winds for almost 3 straight days. I've never seen anything like it. We live in the woods and I didn't sleep because i was worried about a tree falling on the house (again). Power is finally back on today. The chicks spent three days going to work and then coming back home to stay warm in front of the wood stove. They seem pretty happy tonight to have their heat lamp back on full time. :) No losses, so everything is good!

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