Easter egger dud??


Nov 17, 2015
We have a 1 year old black star and 3 young 24 week pullets (silver Wyandotte, golden Wyandotte and an Easter Egger). The young girls just started laying in the last week - all brown eggs - but we were only getting 3 per day, so I assumed the EE was the one not laying yet. Well, today I got 4 brown eggs...do I have a dud of an Easter egger?!?!

I've had pullets before who have laid two eggs a day at the very beginning of when they start to lay. If you only get two eggs tomorrow its a sign that one of the girls over worked herself. If you get 4 eggs multiple days in a row then its a good sign your EE lays brown
You could...

My first small flock of chickens I had ordered 1 easter egger she had a great personality, I was so excited for the green/ blue egg I was going to get...well it never came. It took me a while to figure out which egg she was laying, but one day I caught her it was light light creamy pinkish brown.
It was still nice having that egg, just not as expected. In hindsight I should of ordered at least 3 easter eggers.

Now I have moved on to crested cream legbars, still waiting for them to lay....we shall see.....

You have beautiful eggs regardless.



I bought 6 EEs from different sources, since I read there's no guarantees on egg colors. The 4 I ordered from a catalog gave me 2 minty blue/green eggs, 1 green & 1 olive egg. The 2 younger ones (20 wks) that I thought was not laying yet gave me 2 very light pink eggs. So I guess there's really no guarantee on EEs since they're mutts.
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Just by looking at her, I believe your mystery is solved. You have a brown egg layer EE hen. She's a pretty gal. IMO, the straight comb tends to go along with brown eggs. Next time you get EE, get a few, and if you get them from a feed store, take a very close look at the combs. Look for a good pea comb, looks like a little row of peas, while a straight comb looks like a little row of points. Stay away from any pea combs that are wider, or look like 3 rows of peas, as they are more likely to be roos.
I did get her from a local store but I got her as a sexed peep. No way to tell comb at that age....?

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