Easter Egger gender: one of these things is not like the other

Oh good! I tried to look up the curly tail "phenomenon" but couldn't find any threads that were pertinent. Good to hear.
Hi! Beautiful birds! I'm new here and also have some Easter Eggers I need help determining the sexes of -- is it okay to piggyback with my pics on this thread or should I start my own?
Your Chicks are stunning!!!
Thanks guys! I got lucky with those two. Seems like it's totally hit or miss with EE, from what I've seen. My next concern is their comb type. None of them have really begun developing yet and I've seen on BYC where the single comb indicates a brown egg-layer. I was drawn to these for the egg color so I'm HOPING. But I can't tell what kind of comb they have. Definitely a single ridge but it hasn't turned into anything so me and my naïveté can't tell.

Sunfrog! Please post your pictures, absolutely. I didn't want to start a new thread myself but was too timid to jump into someone else's, being new and all.

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