Easter Egger growing red feathers on the wings!


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Bean-Station, Tennessee
Ok my 10 week old pullet has started to develop red or rusty spots on the wings. Her father is an Easter Egger and her mother is a Red Sex-Link. Maybe it's the red passed down from her mother starting to kick in?

I would guess it is just the red leaking through since it is on the wings and not on the shoulder blades
She's still a she
That's different patterning than red from a cockerel. I have a hen who kind of did the same thing, I thought she was going to be a rooster. She developed a lot more red than your girl might....

This is her now, at over a year. I don't have pics from when she was younger, but she was much lighter overall and started getting reddish just like your bird.
She's still a she :) That's different patterning than red from a cockerel. I have a hen who kind of did the same thing, I thought she was going to be a rooster. She developed a lot more red than your girl might.... This is her now, at over a year. I don't have pics from when she was younger, but she was much lighter overall and started getting reddish just like your bird.
s beautiful

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