Easter egger/legbar sex

Cream Legbar x Welsummer is a common Olive Egger cross (still an Easter Egger). May result in speckled green eggs according to my reading as I figure out my 4 from Hoover's "assorted colored layer" offering. I suspect 1 of mine is this mix and she looks very similar to your birds, just a touch darker and a dark crest.

Hoover's seems to be a very common hatchery in my area. Tactor Supply and Rural King both carry their birds (a Rural King employee informed me it is the only hatchery they use). A more "ma & pa" store wouldn't necessarily be Hoover's...I think another membet recently posted their local place uses Cackle.
Just jumping on this thread because I have also ended up with a Legbar x EE and the crest development has been equally unexpected and hilarious 😂 I’m also hoping for a pullet, but not sure yet.

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