Easter Egger Not Laying


In the Brooder
May 24, 2024
I tried searching to find an answer for my question, but it seems there weren't really suggestions made. I have an Easter Egger hen who has stopped laying eggs. She is about 15 months old. She laid eggs throughout winter this year as it was her first year laying. She has not gone into molt. She eats and drinks fine, she acts completely normal aside from laying. She has been frequently checked for egg bound and mites and such. She has not laid an egg in 3 months. All other chickens are laying normally. Anyone have any ideas?
:welcome Since all else appears normal, I would guess that she is just taking a normal break in her laying cycle.
Thank you. This is what I figured, but since it had been months now, I wanted to get other opinions too. My first girl to take a break that long as days get longer. I have always had them lay through their first winter if they started before winter, but never had them take a break after that first winter. My other hens of the same age, never really stopped laying.
Hi! I found your thread in hopes to figure out if the same thing is happening to my EE. She use to lay pretty consistently but now it is only weekly, if that. Has yours improved at all? I have 4 EE and 2 lay consistently and another one started to lay soft eggs, turns out she had an infection and layed a lash egg. This is my first time with EE but I wonder if it breed specific.
I just posted a similar thread today, and I also came across your post! I have a 1.5 year old Easter Egger who laid like 3-5 eggs a week for 2 months…and never has again…it’s been over 9 months - no eggs! She’s my only bird with this issue, but she’s also my only Easter Egger. Super weird.
I just posted a similar thread today, and I also came across your post! I have a 1.5 year old Easter Egger who laid like 3-5 eggs a week for 2 months…and never has again…it’s been over 9 months - no eggs! She’s my only bird with this issue, but she’s also my only Easter Egger. Super weird.
It's so interesting! Of my four I'm really just having problems with the 2. Today and yesterday one of them dropped an egg without a shell but also layed a jumbo egg.

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