Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Back at 8 weeks. Gotten puffier and a bit more defined. :( But otherwise the same coloring.

Thanks for updating. Looks like a pullet!
I am sorry if I posted this twice. But I am new to chickens. Bought three EE that were labeled as Ameracaunas. One is a very different color. Hoping it is a pullet. Please let me know what you think?
It's been 3 weeks since I posted my suspected cockerel EE, OshKosh. He/she is now 8.5 weeks old and I am not convinced yet.




I'm concerned about the red in the comb, but there has been no comb growth. He/she is also not acting like the other cockerels at all. Tail feathers are broad and usually all lay down nicely. Just fluffed up because it didn't want to be picked up lol. What do you all think?

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