Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

For education purposes here is a couple of my EE's from the beginning. A few of mine have had 3 row pea combs and had me waiting for a cock-a-doodle

Hakiki (3 row) pretty blue eggs

Journey (3 or very wide comb) pretty blue eggs

Chestnut- Lays olive colored eggs

Jet- Her Dad was Ayam Cemani and Mom was Cream Legbar and lays blue eggs (which I believe still means EE due to the blue gene). She is all black (inside mouth and feet even) but the white lacing.

Here is my daily bounty from these ladies and my Cohin mix!

Hope this helps with color sexing as well.
Jet is very cool looking.
I love this thread and thought I would add my EE's to the mix. My babies are 4 weeks old today, but I truly think I will wind up with 5 out of 7 cockerels. Not very good odds. I am questioning this one's color/pattern. The wings are very uniform and the chest is coming in a very light cream color with a light cream/pale brown flecks further down the chest. I was shocked when I realized the chest was so light. I will post baby, 2 week, 19 days, and 4 weeks. As he/she develops, I'll add to the post.

Smudge as a baby: (in the middle) has always been a washed out brown color with willow-y legs.

Smudge at 2 weeks:

Smidge at 19 days:

Smudge 4 weeks (current):

Is this pattern typical of pullets? The comb is pinker than I like, but it's only one row of peas.
Any guesses on these? (Sorry, no one was willing to hold them for multiple poses today)


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Thank you! I think he is very handsome. Unfortunately, we can not keep roosters so I will have to find him a new home. The good news is I have a friend who wants him and will allow visitation. ;)

I'm glad you have a place for him :) He really is a very handsome bird.

Here is a picture of mine that yours reminded me of.
He was seven weeks in this picture, the one on the right is a girl.

I'm lovin' seeing everybody's beautiful chickies! I'm new to them, and having fun with them. I got 2 EE's and I'm pretty sure they're both girls... at least I hope so!! What do you guys think? They're almost 8weeks old.

This is Henrietta

This is Gertrude

Here they are together

Gertie-Birdie again with Esmeralda and Griselda the Barred Rocks...
I'm lovin' seeing everybody's beautiful chickies! I'm new to them, and having fun with them. I got 2 EE's and I'm pretty sure they're both girls... at least I hope so!! What do you guys think? They're almost 8weeks old.

This is Henrietta

This is Gertrude

Here they are together

Gertie-Birdie again with Esmeralda and Griselda the Barred Rocks...

Both are pullets.

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