Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Well you said this one was a rooster, differently is today I have been out there and his hormones have kicked in he's trying to get to as many girls as he can and my white leg horn doesn't like it. It is so funny to watch, he tries to be sly about it.
Here are some more pics of them. I'm hoping these are a little better. Thank you guys for your inputs.


Carry has a wide comb but light in color and the feather pattern is that of a pullet. So, I am calling girl on this one.
Lucy has patchy feather pattern although the patches are not dark red. I am just not sure. At 3 months, there should be more roo characteristics than what she has, so maybe she is a she. Please update us when you know for sure.
Mine looks like yours,mine is almost 4 wks. Are all black and white EE's cockerels??

Here is a picture of the same boy at 4 weeks, for an age comparison, and then a new picture I took today at 8 1/2 weeks. I have read that not all black and white EEs are boys but the majority are, my boy hasn't started crowing yet or anything but his tail feathers are getting a green sheen to them which I think is a boy trait and he obviously has super thick legs and body. His comb is just now starting to pink up.

All black feathers can get a green/purple sheen to them, even on pullets/hens. Generally the patchiness in the pattern is indicative of a roo. This is my black and white EE hen. Here she was about 4 months old.

This was even taken several weeks ago. She is 12 weeks now, with no significant difference in patterning, comb size or color. I'm very pleased because she has been my favorite from the get go and with so many b&w ending up male. :)

It's a fuzzy one, but this is the most recent. She's checking out the camera.
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Now I am wondering about my black and white EE as most people are saying they are most often Roos
Mine is my largest at 5 weeks, so I think she's a she. Yes?[/IMG][/IMG]

I'm thinking that looks like a roo

Mine looks like yours,mine is almost 4 wks. Are all black and white EE's cockerels??

My roo had this coloring as well. His comb pinked up at 4 weeks and he started getting rust feathers in one by one.

Hoping for a pullet... told it was a cockerel... @ 11 weeks, I'm thinking I got lucky.
Pullet, at least I'm pretty sure.

Here are some more pics of them. I'm hoping these are a little better. Thank you guys for your inputs.


Tricky...I'd say pullet for Carry and roo for Lucy.

I have a B&W hen. She lays the prettiest sky blue eggs, and was a red chipmunk chick when she was little.
She's on the left. Her tail feathers have a pretty green sheen to them.


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