Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I would try yogurt with a bit of electrolytes added to it. See if he'll try it on his own and if not maybe put a little in his beak so he gets a taste. My chickens become raptors when yogurt shows up so hopefully he'll at least try to eat some of it...otherwise I'm not sure what else to try.
You might have to tube feed him. I think if you read the Diary of a Cross Beak you'll find how to do it. Water with vitimins & electrolites will be most important thing to keep in him. Maybe antibiotics. Maybe Corrid.

Good Luck and hopefully you can pull him through.

I think I have been on every forum I subscribe to even the disease and emergency forum and noone knows what could be wrong with my bantam. U guys may be my very last hope. So here it goes...and im sorry I'm posting this on EE forum....DH came home Saturday am with 3 bantam chickens. I have no clue what type but they are about a year old and they are black but look purple and green in the sunlight and one is multicolored with a lot of red. Anyway, we know the guy the chickens belonged to before we got them and no they were not taken care of. That said the 2 black ones are doing great the other little guy won't eat or drink and he stumbles alot when he walks but this is not wry neck. I've seen several cases of wry neck and this is not it. His poop smells really really bad. Like I don't even breathe when I go to care for him. That bad. He has only eaten about a tablespoon of creamed corn and half a banana since Saturday. His stools are not bloody like coccidia instead they are runny slimy yucky and white. He is very skinny and weak. I've tried to feed him with a dropper but he spits it out. Guys please tell me what to do. He's not clicking or laboring his breathing like a respiratory infection either.

Wish I knew more to be able to help. I think you should repost in the Emergencies section, but name the problem in the title (ie "cockerel not eating and clumsy" or something like that. You might even be able to just change the title.). There are some very knowledgeable folks who help out in the emergencies forum, and you need to catch their attention. You gave lots of information, but pics of the poop may help. Also, is the bird very thin? Feel his keel. Is it bony or does it have some muscle attached? Does his breath smell sour? Can he walk? Is he sitting with feathers puffed up?

I hope you get some help for the little guy. I'm really glad that you kept the new chickens away from your flock. That, at least, must be a big relief.
Does he smell like a rotting carcass? If he has that nose burning decaying kind of stink, he might have Vent Gleet, a fungal infection of the digestive system. One of the symptoms is creamy white discharge from the vent that stinks to high heaven. I cured my Black Australorp roo of it, but he needed 2 weeks of treatment with Monistat and was quarantined the entire time (I didn't want him spreading it to the hens). I mixed his crumble feed with yogurt and spiked his water with probiotics. I hid the Monistat dosages in a piece of bread.
Does he smell like a rotting carcass? If he has that nose burning decaying kind of stink, he might have Vent Gleet, a fungal infection of the digestive system. One of the symptoms is creamy white discharge from the vent that stinks to high heaven. I cured my Black Australorp roo of it, but he needed 2 weeks of treatment with Monistat and was quarantined the entire time (I didn't want him spreading it to the hens). I mixed his crumble feed with yogurt and spiked his water with probiotics. I hid the Monistat dosages in a piece of bread.
Is that like a yeast thing?
Yeah, you can use ANY women's yeast infection medicine, I just happened to use Monistat. I also sponge bathed his vent area every day with dawn soap, anything to get rid of that stench. I'm a farm girl and am used to all sorts of animal smells, but that roosters stink was enough to make me gag.

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