Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Here are crown pictures. Why do you think one is a roo?


Ill get pics of the other two later.

I thought number one was because of the position of its tail feathers being more upright.
ive got a few chickies i think may be roos but need a hand at knowing for sure. any help is appreciated. i thought the colors were more like a pullet, but its got a 3 row pea comb, which i DO have a hen with 3 rows, but just want to double check. this is a wyandotte/easter egger that im thinking is a cockerel by the comb. the rest of the feathers are black so just got a comb shot. here is a silkie/easter egger that i was SO sure was a pullet, but now im thinking definite cockerel by that comb. he also has waddles coming in and the feathers are much more red than they were when he was younger. and lastly, this one i think is a pullet, but just want another opinion. single row pea comb, i thought i got a photo, but apparently not.. thanks!
#1 I do lean towards roo on this one, the patches of red on the shoulders, but what a gorgeous roo he will be #2 I'm not sure that comb is going to look typical, so I'm leaning towards pullet on this one, 75% sure #3 oh yeah, it's a boy #4 I'm not sure what breeds went into this one... Legbar mix? It's looking possibly to be a pullet to me, only about 60'% sure All beautiful birds
the first two are younger, probably about 3-4 months or so? i cant remember the hatch date. the last ones are about a month older since i started the next batch right after the first hatch. so id say 4-5 months on the other ones. most of the older ones are silkie/easter egger mixes so they have mohawks. its quite funny actually.

thanks a lot for the insight! ill be rehoming the definite boys (keeping one, not pictured, which is identical to my beloved Afro who passed a couple of weeks ago =( ) and ill hold onto the possible pullets. i wont be hatching anymore chicks until next year so i was hoping for a good batch of pullets, but got more cockerels than i originally thought. oh well, better luck next year!
ive got a few chickies i think may be roos but need a hand at knowing for sure. any help is appreciated.

i thought the colors were more like a pullet, but its got a 3 row pea comb, which i DO have a hen with 3 rows, but just want to double check.

this is a wyandotte/easter egger that im thinking is a cockerel by the comb. the rest of the feathers are black so just got a comb shot.

here is a silkie/easter egger that i was SO sure was a pullet, but now im thinking definite cockerel by that comb. he also has waddles coming in and the feathers are much more red than they were when he was younger.

and lastly, this one i think is a pullet, but just want another opinion. single row pea comb, i thought i got a photo, but apparently not..

The first two @ 3-4 months: 1st one looks to be boy, the 2nd maybe girl due to very light comb color, although the size and shape is not typical but that could be due to the silkie gene.
The last two @ 4-5 months: 3rd one is a boy, last one might be girl.

Your chicks are beautiful and unusual due to the mixed parentage. Please do report back once you know the sex for sure. That way we can all learn something new.

The first two @ 3-4 months: 1st one looks to be boy, the 2nd maybe girl due to very light comb color, although the size and shape is not typical but that could be due to the silkie gene.
The last two @ 4-5 months: 3rd one is a boy, last one might be girl.

Your chicks are beautiful and unusual due to the mixed parentage. Please do report back once you know the sex for sure. That way we can all learn something new.

They are much older than I thought! Agreeing with polarbearpilot about the second one maybe being a pullet. I am confused a bit by the ones that seem to be cockerels not showing any saddle or hackle feathers. Maybe just not showing in the pics or slow coming in?

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