Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The 3 gold birds are definitely pullets. White is has pink/white legs, so not too sure if it's even an EE. Would need to know age and see close up views of the comb to give an opinion. If White has a pea comb, you can compare it with the other for-sure pullets. If it looks the same, then you've got another pullet. (Overall shape of White looks female.

They all look like pullets to me. I think the white one may be part Leghorn with those yellow legs. Does she have a beard and peacomb?

The lady at the farm I got the white one from says its a mix of her leghorn and ameracauna. The golds are 6 weeks and the white is 8 weeks. here's some better pics:

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That is early! One of mine started at 8wks to the day, and I thought that was early! My boys last year didn't start into crowing until they were nearly 5 mos old!

On one hand, I'm glas I guessed right, one the other, I'm hoping you can keep roos
Look what hatched this week!

My broody hen stole some eggs. She was needed to hatch eggs for my daughter, so these orig eggs got put into the incubator. The silver is a pure Lav orp, the blacks are Lav orp x Cream Crested Legbars, and the yellows are Lav Orp x EEs. (no cheeks, though)

Can I call the OrpxCCLs Eatser Eggers? (Should lay greenish eggs, but look nothing like my reg EEs)
The lady at the farm I got the white one from says its a mix of her leghorn and ameracauna. The golds are 6 weeks and the white is 8 weeks. here's some better pics:

It would stand straighter and likely be more bossy if it was a cockerel. Looks like girl thru and thru.
Oh dear. He didn't even give you a week!
That's pretty early to start crowing! Can you keep him? I'd love to see out he looks as an adult. Pretty boy! You'll have to rename him. Jimmy?
lol I know! He isn't really crowing, but it sounds like a screechy skwak! With a lot of voice cracking...and he does it all day. Jimmy it is. :) I wish I could keep him. I never wanted a rooster before, but his colorings are so pretty, that I wish I could. He doesn't seem fit to be a "good" rooster though. I read good roosters share treats with the girls, but ole Jimmy here...rams them and steals the treat. lol Pretty ruthless and greedy he is.

Right now we are trying to get them accustomed to leaving the hen house in the morning and climbing the ladder to go back in at night. I keep saying to my hubby, am I a moron...or should this be going a lot smoother. Last night we had to corral and catch them all and put them in the house...one escaped the coop. It was a big ordeal. But today they are coming up to us inside the coop, not as afraid, so at least they are getting used to us. I am hoping they go up at night on their own today.

Gemma- now Jimmy. 5 weeks old. I really love his copper coloring and how the neck head feathers are so different from his body feathers.

Stretch is a silver-grey color with white. 5 weeks old. I am concerned about the wide pea comb. It is wide and flat...um bald like as opposed to the other chickens. Do you think she is healthy? Or is this normal?

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