Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


Hi! I’d love any thoughts you have on gender for this one! Thank you!
S/he is 3 months. Hatched the 1st of June. Thought girl, but then the patches came out near the shoulders... thank you!
Oh, 13 weeks is kind of the in between stage. The comb on your is too big and red for a 13 week pullet, so you are probably right in thinking it's a cockerel. By 13 weeks, both of my EE cockerels had unmistakable saddle feathers, but they all mature differently, especially if not from a hatchery.
The size of that comb, the coloring, this looks like a cockerel to me. You should be getting in the saddle feather's soon on this one, that will tell you for sure.
Yup! Definite saddle feathers by this week! Poor guy is so hot, being so dark, but his saddle feathers are all laced with gold!
Ok, so when I went down today, I took a look at Snowy. It is looking like Snowy has saddle feathers, to me. Please tell me what you think. Snowy also hatched June 1. Thank you!!!

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