Easter Egger Silver x Laced Wyandotte. Anyone have this particular mix?

I hatched out some eggs in March and my second batch are hatching right now. Dad is EE and Mom is SLW. The are sex links, cockerels are silver and pullets are gold. no lacing though. I will go try to get some updated pics in a few.
But for now, here's mom and dad, when they were younger.

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I just took all these pictures today. The black and white ones with yellow legs (3 out of 4 of the eggs I hatched in March) are cockerels, the black and gold one with black legs is the pullet. The all have rose combs.

I have had a couple that look like your black and white cockerels. I'll try to get pics in a few of the two I have now that I was hoping were hens... They unfortunately are having some iridescent green tail feathers coming in... :-/
I have 2 eggs that are due to hatch any second under a broody Buff Orpington. Parents are (a poor example) a SLW Rooster and an EE hen. Parents below. I will post pictures of the chicks once they arrive.

I have 2 eggs that are due to hatch any second under a broody Buff Orpington. Parents are (a poor example) a SLW Rooster and an EE hen. Parents below. I will post pictures of the chicks once they arrive.

I can't wait to see them! I bet they look similar to my chicks. I have 6 more babies with hens and they all look like the others I've had except two look like they are going to be color differently. Here are my two boys I posted about last week. One went to a new home yesterday and the other we are keeping. Cheeks- has beard and muffs
Reading through the thread it seems that they may sexlink. Have you found that to be the case with yours? (awesome colors by the way!) I think it was brown chick=female, gray=male, right?
Reading through the thread it seems that they may sexlink. Have you found that to be the case with yours? (awesome colors by the way!) I think it was brown chick=female, gray=male, right?
I haven't noticed any sex linking with my mixes. They are mostly all brown chipmunk patterned and come out laced or like the two I just posted. My bunch has been really hard to sex until they get around 8-10 weeks.
Reading through the thread it seems that they may sexlink. Have you found that to be the case with yours? (awesome colors by the way!) I think it was brown chick=female, gray=male, right?
I do believe mine are sex-linked. The way I understand it is a red male over a silver female of any breed will produce sex-links.

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