This is a very sore spot with me . She is an Easter Egger . What they won't say is that EE's are the foundation breed for ameraucanas
That is inaccurate, Ameraucanas were created by using Araucana chickens, hence Ameraucana is a contraction of America+Araucana. The Ameraucana was created to retain the blue egg gene of the Araucana but not possess the lethal genes.
That is inaccurate, Ameraucanas were created by using Araucana chickens, hence Ameraucana is a contraction of America+Araucana. The Ameraucana was created to retain the blue egg gene of the Araucana but not possess the lethal genes.
That's not entirely correct if you are using the names for the breed standards as we know them today. All the birds we know today as Ameraucana, Araucana, and Easter Eggers (from hatcheries, not "homemade" through mixing) all came from the same parent stock. They were chickens from Chili that had a mix of traits; that included muffs, beards, tuffs, tails, and rumpless. Those birds laid a variety of egg colors because they were themselves a mix of two different breeds. When those birds were first imported they were all known as Araucana.

The breed known today as the Araucana was created with it's specifics traits and was the first to be recognized as a breed with the APA. Those breed standards disqualified many birds that other breeders were working on under the name of Araucana so they created a separate breed standard and later the Ameraucana breed standard was created and accepted. The term Easter Egger was coined by the hatcheries to describe the various egg colors but they were more like those that came from Chili. Of course as time went on their birds more closely resembled the standards for the Ameraucana. My guess is because true Araucana are hard to breed and would be far less profitable. So while the first chickens were all known as Araucana, they were not what we know them to be nowadays.
I also have a twin to the bird shown, but her cinnamon color is just a tad more washed out. I have both EE and Ameraucana in my flock. Love them both, but hands down, the EE is a better layer.

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