Easter Eggers Flying At Eachother

Hiya EasterEggerFlocks, :welcome. Glad you could join us:). I don't have Easter Eggers but I do have 3 Ameracauna pullets who exhibit the same behavior that you are talking about. When I let the girls out to free range the other girls go out and start to forage for bugs and their favorite greenery while my 3 young pullets pretty much put on a flight/dancing show where they fly at each other and then square off dancing around each other almost like they are fencing(just w/o swords). This is the 2nd time I've added youngsters to my flock, the previous addition was Buff Orpingtons and they did a little of this kind of parrying almost like "let me show you who you who's bad here" thing but it's a whole new level with the Ameracaunas. I'm pretty sure it's just them kind of sorting out their own pecking order in their small sub flock and not really anything to worry about(although it's certainly entertaining and interesting to watch):pop. Best of luck with your new chooks, I hope all goes splendidly for you:thumbsup.
Good to know ameraucanas do it, too. I have a hard time finding info on pure bred ameraucana behavior, so it's intestering when I stumble across this info. Maybe all that sassiness is where the EEs get it from lol they're fiesty little fluff balls
I Managed To find a video, pardon me for the water container, as I am still training them to the nipple waterer.

Here's the Video:

Hope you guys can get something out of this. they're also currently under the chicken coop.
You've got a bunch of pullets.
Chest bumping is not unique to EEs. ALL breeds will do this, especially during their "teenage" months as they are establishing and enforcing their pecking order. They'll settle down when the reach POL.
I managed to get some more recent pictures of the EE's today. Here they are.

black lightning.jpg
actual cotton.jpg

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