Easter Eggers vs. our other chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2015
We have ten chicks and two are easter eggers (we thought we were getting Ameraucanas). They are twice as big as our other chicks but are so skittish and hate being held. Is this normal of Easter Eggers? Our other chicks are 3 Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Delaware, and 2 Barred Rocks.
Hi Cheekygreek
My Easter eggers were pretty much the same and don't want much human interaction but with that said they lay like crazy for me so I totally ok with that! Now they will come running if I shake the Meal worm bag for treats but pretty much want to be left alone...not lap chickens :)
Enjoy your chicks
My EE was pretty calm, but was no lap chicken as Laphill stated. Often you will see where EE are supposed to lay med size eggs, Well mine were the largest of any of my chickens and she laid almost 7 days a week! She was my favorite, however she has passed now. I am getting more this spring.
My EEs are a little flighty, but have calmed with age. They are beautiful birds, some of my best layers, and the eggs are the biggest in the carton, bigger than my Orpingtons and Barred Rocks
Well hopefully they will be good layers like you have said. All our other chicks are so sweet and they fall asleep in your hands :)
Funny, our three EE's are our most laid back, and one of them will actually step into our hands to be held. Hope that doesn't mean they WON'T produce well!

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