"Easter Eggers" with feathered legs?


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Richlands, Virginia
I was just reading more about Easter Egger chickens. Wondering how my little chicks will look in the next few months. lol
But, I haven't seen any Easter Eggers (full grown or babies) with the feathered legs!
All of these little ones (a week and 1/2 or so old) have very feathered legs. But, I was told they are "Easter Egger" chicks.
Has anyone ever had or seen an Easter Egger chick/chicken with the feathered legs?
What breeds are Easter Eggers typically crossed with? I know they are basically "mutts", but is there certain breeds they cross?
They are usually an Ameraucana cross (to get the blue egg gene in there) but the other parent could be ANYTHING...with feathered legs, it could be Silkie, Faverolles, Marans, or Cochin....am I missing any....hmm...anyway, what color are their legs and skin? That will help.
i have an EE cochin cross running around in my flock. but he/she is still not full grown yet. it has the EE comb but the behind and legs look like it got the cochin side of things!

any feather footed breed could bring in the feathers. it is actually quite easy to introduce from what i have been reading on the marans thread! i guess like pea combs, feather feet are a dominant trait!
I was just reading more about Easter Egger chickens. Wondering how my little chicks will look in the next few months. lol
But, I haven't seen any Easter Eggers (full grown or babies) with the feathered legs!
All of these little ones (a week and 1/2 or so old) have very feathered legs. But, I was told they are "Easter Egger" chicks.
Has anyone ever had or seen an Easter Egger chick/chicken with the feathered legs?
What breeds are Easter Eggers typically crossed with? I know they are basically "mutts", but is there certain breeds they cross?
I have any EE as well I bought 4 of them they are now 4 weeks old and if them I noticed today has a couple of feathers on his/her feet , she is red with yellow feet ?..... 🤷🐔🐓

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