Easter Eggers?


Jul 21, 2021
So, I am so confused on if these are Easter eggers. TSC, about ten weeks old now. They don’t have gray legs or fluffy cheeks. They all have single combs and yellow legs. I know that Hoover’s mixes together all sorts of stuff… but are these a particular breed by their coloring? Any help would ease my poor wracked brain- lol. 🤣
I think they're one of the new types of Easter eggers, of which there are many. Whiting true green is but one example. They don't look right for brown Leghorns or Welsummers to me.
Exactly- they don’t quite look exactly like them…. Brown leghorn looks similar- as do welsummers at different points as they have been growing… but just not quite right…. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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