Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I was born & raised around here but people will still ask where do I come from because I sound too southern .
Now I really do have a long drawl no matter how I have tried to make it go away. I have had several classes sadly to say failed them all.
Anymore when folks say you ain't from around here ere-ya ? I just laugh.
People stop me all the time and say "you're not from around here, are you?" (oh wait... let me say that right for story telling purposes) "Yur not frum round heer are ye?"

Apparently the thing that gives me away more than anything is that I call sodas "sodas" and not all "cokes" .... Coke is a brand, not a catch all. I was born and raised outside of DC by a German mother and a Southern Father and two Godmothers... one from NYC and the other from PA. You can't "place" me from anywhere in particular!


PSS I got BR babies pipping!
Well i'll be the one with the Yankee accent screaming at my 4 year old son to stop running off !!! LOL

We'll all fit right in then. I was raised in Indianapolis but traveled all over. Most in TN def. know Im not from here

If I remember right, Nella is from California.

This is pretty cool, I'm from MI!
Yet ETN is labeled and stereotyped for being a bunch of hillbillies... rednecks are everywhere... not just down south.
Well, my ancestry (dad's side, of course) comes from right here for 5 or 6 generations. I just am a Army brat, so my brother and I were raised elsewhere.
Well, my ancestry (dad's side, of course) comes from right here for 5 or 6 generations. I just am a Army brat, so my brother and I were raised elsewhere.

Navy brat here!
I wasn't born in TN, but was raised here from 2nd grade and havn't moved since!
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