Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I'd love to have more cats. However I have a problem. Her name is Cynder. You see the lady in the house 5 acres over had about 12 cats. She moved out and left the cats. Sad but people tend to do that the country. The cats where hungry and I being who I am I took food up to them. All are very skittish including the 6 week old kittens running around. Well some started coming to my house. I'm ok with that. More cats = more dead mice/rats. Well Cynder my 5 year old fixed indoor outdoor female cat who punks down the dogs and is the bully of the area didn't like that.She rather be outside than in except in bad weather. Cat fights every night for about a week. One trip to the vet for infected cat bites and antibiotics for a week. All the cats that where living over the hill are now gone. I don't know where they went. But my cat has gained new hunting ground. She is the reason I can not have more cats. She is a good mouser. Went out to open the coops up on Sunday and she had 3 rats and a mouse lined up on the porch. All with a missing leg. I guess she likes legs lol. Brought me a large lizard tail yesterday it was still twitching, that was fun. Husband brought her home from a lumber yard. She was bald and scabby. A bath some flea medz and she had hair. We had for for about a month before we knew she was grey/orange, Cynder was given to her cause she looked like a burn victim, that just came from a cynder cone. Oddly enough she leaves the chickens and chicks alone. Our corgi uses her as a chew toy till she gets tired of it. It took about a week before she got use to the 9 year old dog, we took in from the same people who moved out and left the dog too. How do you leave a 9 year old sweet dog behind no water or food in the middle of summer?

My corgi Livia and the dog left behind Boo. The corgi has a chicken chasing problem. It's fun to chase them!
I know this region is full of strays and "wild" critters. I also know I'm fighting a anti-cat culture. I have some Middle Tennessee leads but, lets face it, I rather drive to Knoxville than Nashville!! Plus those leads are not definate.

Yes, I will not let anyone have any of them unless they are fixed. They have all been fixed except for the mothers (obviously) and they too will be fixed when I finally get them to go in the live trap and the smallest kittens still. The ONE time I caught one of the mothers was when she was nursing still, so I had to let her go again. Grrrr. Now she knows better.

Really didn't think about the paper... I'm so internet driven. It is a good idea. $10 beats adoption fees and if someone can't get to PPAW they can't beat that price for spay/neutering.

Thanks! I'll look into it. I know Knox News Sentinel is high, but maybe the Tennessee Trader or a local small town paper first at least.

Edited to make my garble make sense!!!

I don't but can you run free pet ads on Craigslist? Editing because I forgot to put "know" in my post. Should have been: I don't know but can you run free pet ads on Craigslist?
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TNChick - at least you're not that person on Craigslist trying to find a home for 70 cats, 2 dogs, and 4 horses!

hey y'all! we finally got another laying hen that's been doing great! she is a Wyandotte.
I had a quick ? for the experts...this morning mr library found 2 eggs in the run (actually in the part where it is under the coop and there is a bar the hens like to roost on). one egg was busted and the other was deformed. I didn't get a chance to go look bc I had an appt to get to & I'll be gone til this afternoon. I googled & found several diff answers.we think it was our red & she was acting diff yesterday but seemed fine this morning. should I be concerned? adjust their diet? thx y'all!
lesson learned about community dark box

Community laying box that stays dark is great to stop egg pecking.......Community nesting box stinks for broody hens!!!! \

Hen goes broody
everyone else lays in same box
hen steals ALL eggs to sit on
hen sits on 20 eggs & needs prozac to help her cope with not being able to cover them all.
hey y'all! we finally got another laying hen that's been doing great! she is a Wyandotte.
I had a quick ? for the experts...this morning mr library found 2 eggs in the run (actually in the part where it is under the coop and there is a bar the hens like to roost on). one egg was busted and the other was deformed. I didn't get a chance to go look bc I had an appt to get to & I'll be gone til this afternoon. I googled & found several diff answers.we think it was our red & she was acting diff yesterday but seemed fine this morning. should I be concerned? adjust their diet? thx y'all!
usually nothing to worry about if it just happens once or twice a year. You will see this on occasion. If it happens again anytime soon.....then repost and we can look at it closer.
lesson learned about community dark box

Community laying box that stays dark is great to stop egg pecking.......Community nesting box stinks for broody hens!!!! \

Hen goes broody
everyone else lays in same box
hen steals ALL eggs to sit on
hen sits on 20 eggs & needs prozac to help her cope with not being able to cover them all.
LOL yea I learned the hard way. I had one broody that was taken all the eggs. I still don't know how she was doing it! The boxes are divided and have a 2x4 across the front. The nest boxes are 1ft off the coop floor. she had to do an extreme balance act to get them.

I fixed that by making a broody pen with a grow out run. When a girl goes broody I move her and what ever eggs to it and they stay in the pen till day 3 after hatch. Then I let them run the pen.

After the hawk took 17 this season. I said no more free range till they are big. Even though they where 4 months old the hawk still got 2. He couldn't carry them off but made a mess in my yard.

I was so hoping a rocket on the 4th of July would have gotten it. So now I don't let them out till 5-6 months old. way too big to be attacked. Stupid bird of pry laws!

See the nest boxes? Tell me how she moved eggs from the top ot side boxes to hers on the bottom right?

The broody houses and grow out pen.

Its 6'x4' with (2) 2'x18"nest box on the back.The divider is removable. If mom has a huge brood. Last hatch 14 out of 15 hatched she needed the room lol
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