Eastern Tennessee Thread

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mom has 4 now
and they still have not fixed the photo uploading tool
so I can get photos up
I hope everyone is surviving the heat. Back when we had the 100+ temps in one day I almost lost a Polish hen and my little D'Uccle, Bug. Jazz pulled through fine but Bug had a heat stroke. He seemed to have improved some the first week or so...but then he begin to get worse. I knew he could never be in with a flock again for the chance of being trampled and I just could not make him live in a cage all his life. 3 days ago his head started drawing. I could just not see him like this so...I had to let him go today. He was the first of all my chickens to always call for me and when I came he would fly up on my shoulder and play with my hair and earrings. I am so upset but I know this was for the best...I just hate it was one that I loved so much. Bug was for certain an incredible little guy. Everyone stay cool.

On happier note.... I have been growing out some chicks to sale at the Nov. show but I think I am going to have to sell some before. I am desperate for room! If anyone is interested in D'Uccles, FC Marans (Adults), Black Stars (adults laying huge eggs), a few silkies and some mixes. PM me for more info!
Hey guys just put up a quad of my Hennies in Buy Sale Trade. I am putting them here because I am looking for a local deal..... Any experienced handlers wanting a rare bird, these are perfect....
Interested in your bunnies? that's cuteness overload!! If I try for any more animals, let's just say--you could hear my Dear heart's -Your joking?? all the way to where you are! Besides which, both of my Dear Doggies are wild bunny eaters, squirrel, and anything else they can get their two lips around. I can't believe it's taken 1 donkey, 4 hens and 2 dogs to fill 1 empty nest.
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A new factiod that I found out this this morning...

Groundhogs like growing crumbles.

I fed the pullets out behind the house in the back yard.

Later as I sat down to watch the fowl shenanigans take place and drink my coffee, there was a ground hog at the feeder.
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