Eastern Washington

Oh, cool! I was quite tempted by the geese at Coastal Farm and Ranch the other day but I know nothing about them. Except that they are territorial (having been bit by one in the behind as a kid). But the little goslings looked up at me with such interest in their faces; they look like they like people and have quite the personalities...
Geese are quite intelligent.

They are also territorial, but they can be trained that family members are higher social status and are not to be bitten. It's just like with dogs. Somebody is going to be the boss and it works better for everyone if the boss is the human part of the relationship.
I have a predator question. What do we have to protect our chickens from here east of the Cascades? I'm thinking coyotes, racoons, birds of prey, and dogs and cats. Do we have any weasels or anything else I'm not thinking of?
I have a predator question. What do we have to protect our chickens from here east of the Cascades? I'm thinking coyotes, racoons, birds of prey, and dogs and cats. Do we have any weasels or anything else I'm not thinking of?

Oh yes there are weasels!! And those little poops can get into the coop through the SMALLEST holes. Dont forget about the skunks :) I do know that snakes will steal eggs.
Coyotes are the worst threat.

If you have any lakes close, you might have Bald Eagles, but so far (touch wood) the eagles don't even turn their heads to look at my ducks as they fly overhead.

Stray dogs aren't an issue in my area, because the coyotes eat them all.
I have a predator question. What do we have to protect our chickens from here east of the Cascades? I'm thinking coyotes, racoons, birds of prey, and dogs and cats. Do we have any weasels or anything else I'm not thinking of?

As everyone has said...all the above. Depending on where you live also remember eagles/hawks (any kind of raptor). But another problem predator is the neighborhood DOG!!!!

Cats are not so big a problem other than with chicks. I do not believe a cat could take down a grown bird. Coyotes big problem. Racooons and skunks (as someone said). Yes we have weasels. If you are out of town you need to remember large cats (cougars, bobcats, etc). Depending on where you are in Wenatchee, I know there is a healthy population of cougars down there.
Thanks, everyone! I had completely forgotten cougars! Crap! Good to know about the weasels, too. I wish I hadn't already used some of the chicken wire I bought or I'd take it back. Looks like I'll be going out to buy some hardware cloth (sigh, $$$).
YAY! A Eastern Washington thread! I just found it! Hi all! I am actually in Omak, but grew up in Spokane! We haev two EE chicks that are 5 weeks old, I am looking to add two more chicks..

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