Eastern Washington

Well the chickens are officially a month old now. We are down one, one of the GLW cockerels. We went to the beach earlier in the week and when we got back, we were short a chicken. We have no idea what happened or were it is, the people checking on them in our absence appear to have no idea either. Can't find it's carcass or any bits around. There had been a little rain and if there were any animal tracks, they were gone when we got home. Hmmm, it's a head-scratcher.
I've never washed a chicken, but have stuck my feather legged Brahma's feet under the faucet, and I know they don't like that much.

Chickengarden, is that Leavenworth fire near you? Stay safe.
Haha, ya every year we have to wash them before the fair. Well, most of them. Some don't need it, but it helps a lot.

One of my pullets is sitting on three eggs. Unless they hatch before the fair, she might have to sit on them at the fair!
Yes, Vicki, the Leavenworth fire is northwest of us. I hear they have the eastern border contained so we are just fine, thank you :)

I LOVE fair season, too. I grew up in Canada and there wasn't such a thing. It's one of those iconic "American" things to me. Last year was the first time we ever entered anything and it made it that much more fun. We brought eggs and pumpkins and stuff. I may have even had more fun than my boys.

Missing chickens must be much more frustrating than missing eggs. I have 14 or so laying hens and I should be collecting twice as many as I do per day. They free range but I'm seriously starting to consider building a yard for them.

Our new Easter Eggers have begun laying eggs and we are getting some of the most beautiful colors from them.
I keep eliminating rotten eggs - stinky little time bombs... Zarasha is now left with one egg that I don't even know if it has anything living in it. I need to get a stronger flashlight...

My birthday is on Saturday! I can't wait!!! Then on Monday is the first day of school this year, and on Tuesday the fair starts!
I keep eliminating rotten eggs - stinky little time bombs... Zarasha is now left with one egg that I don't even know if it has anything living in it. I need to get a stronger flashlight...

My birthday is on Saturday! I can't wait!!! Then on Monday is the first day of school this year, and on Tuesday the fair starts!

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