Eastern Washington

Do we know if we have any members directly affected by the fires? Is there support or assistance that is needed?

The main fire that was a threat here is under control, we are now under the most sickening smoke screen you can imagine. Although my chickens are doing okay, I can tell it is impacting them.
 The main fire that was a threat here is under control, we are now under the most sickening smoke screen you can imagine.  Although my chickens are doing okay, I can tell it is impacting them. 

I was thinking about the Carlton Complex fire which is still zero percent contained and growing. I'm in Whitman County, so not super close. But am open to ideas to help. Already donated to Red Cross.
Smokey..... but not as bad as 2006..... of course there is still a lot of stuff to burn.... Wind kicked up this afternoon.... Southerly... We don't have any local news here.... Sooooooooooooo, I don't know what's going on....
If you learn anything, please keep us posted on the Western Thread !
We are worried about y'all.
I read a forum last night that showed Aeneas Valley, burnt, SAD ! Not sure which part, Aeneas Valley Road is a long long road, but it is a BIG WIDE fire !
Just added some new members to the flock. Finally got my Light Sussex, Welsummer, and Blue Copper Marans chicks. I also got my first egg from my spring chickens... wish I had taken a pic, it was a perfect, tiny little olive-colored egg out of a welsummer/cream Legbar cross hen. Also added some new four-legged members to the farm!

The lack of postings here is so sad & creepy !

We westerners hope you all are OK !!!


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