Eastern Washington


That is funny! Tyson must have felt VERY tough and scary.

He has "little man syndrome" but thinks he is the size of a Rhode Island Red (or some other big roo). LOL. He is very pretty and does strutt his stuff. He was given to me from a lady who has a thread about Barbara the Barred Rock. Tyson is a Cochin/BR cross (I think). I do not even know how to pronounce "Cochin". He is so pretty though. He has 12 BR wives who are only 3-4 months old. They are going to double in size and be twice his size. I hope he does not get a complex.
Hey Ondra! How are you??
How's all your little Seramas?

Hi there! I am doing good. Most of the Seramas are good, except I can't get any eggs to hatch!
How are yours?
That is funny! Tyson must have felt VERY tough and scary.

He has "little man syndrome" but thinks he is the size of a Rhode Island Red (or some other big roo). LOL. He is very pretty and does strutt his stuff. He was given to me from a lady who has a thread about Barbara the Barred Rock. Tyson is a Cochin/BR cross (I think). I do not even know how to pronounce "Cochin". He is so pretty though. He has 12 BR wives who are only 3-4 months old. They are going to double in size and be twice his size. I hope he does not get a complex.

hahahah! that's so funny, I have a Serama roo who is CHIEF of the yard.. he has NO complex at ALL. From behind, he seriously looks like an Indian Chief strutting around--you know the big feathery head piece thing? makes me laugh when I see it... We have one standard leghorn hen in the yard, with all the bantams, and you should see him try to take her on.. omgosh... it's all better than TV I swear. Cochin-- think 'coach - in'...

Ondra---I got 3 new babies from my Romeo and Cleo--Cleo was on the nest at the time of the Spring Classic..but Romeo was there. Cleo looks very similar to the hen you had -- the one you used for Fit n Show? Anyway--they babies are adorable, and about 2 months old now. She kicked them out of the coop, so I am trying to get her to set on another clutch asap.
Sorry to hear you have no hatchers!
Frustrating. I have had a super frustrating Spring with my call ducks though, so I feel your pain girl!
He has "little man syndrome" but thinks he is the size of a Rhode Island Red (or some other big roo). LOL. He is very pretty and does strutt his stuff. He was given to me from a lady who has a thread about Barbara the Barred Rock. Tyson is a Cochin/BR cross (I think). I do not even know how to pronounce "Cochin". He is so pretty though. He has 12 BR wives who are only 3-4 months old. They are going to double in size and be twice his size. I hope he does not get a complex.

hahahah! that's so funny, I have a Serama roo who is CHIEF of the yard.. he has NO complex at ALL. From behind, he seriously looks like an Indian Chief strutting around--you know the big feathery head piece thing? makes me laugh when I see it... We have one standard leghorn hen in the yard, with all the bantams, and you should see him try to take her on.. omgosh... it's all better than TV I swear. Cochin-- think 'coach - in'...

Ondra---I got 3 new babies from my Romeo and Cleo--Cleo was on the nest at the time of the Spring Classic..but Romeo was there. Cleo looks very similar to the hen you had -- the one you used for Fit n Show? Anyway--they babies are adorable, and about 2 months old now. She kicked them out of the coop, so I am trying to get her to set on another clutch asap.
Sorry to hear you have no hatchers!
Frustrating. I have had a super frustrating Spring with my call ducks though, so I feel your pain girl!

Very entertaining! I had a 3 month old tiny Serama try to take on a full grown Jersey Giant hen.

Romeo was really nice!

I love that color! Do you think that the babies will be like their mother? I have had eggs under 7 different broodies. None hatched. I may even have to pull out the incubator
Ondra's Seramas :

Hey there

I'm in Chelan

Hi. Welcome to the E. WA thread! I'm in Chelan as well.​
I love it! I can't believe how green it is still w/o irrigation! Bring on summer!
We have 1 blue buff polish & 1 white sultan 10 weeks old, both roos if any E. Wa. people want them or know any one who does they are yours for the taking.

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