eating hair??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
My 6 or 7 week chick loves eating my hair. i cant get her to stop! she jumps on my shoulder and pecks at it! and when she is on the floor, she will eat any dog/human hair that is there. sometimes she gets quite a bit.
is this ok?? can it harm her? if so, how can i get her to stop! it doesnt bother me at all when she eats my hair, im just concerned for her health.

One of my hens does that too. I don't know why but I'd like to know! Hopefully someone will enlighten us soon!
seriously..i always feel like my questions go unanswered
good questions are also harder to anser...ask me what two plus two is and i will give you a great answer. ask me what the natural frequency of a chicken's claw is and i won't know what to do
I highly doubt she will ever stop. After all, look how much they like to eat styrofoam! One of mine likes my hair too, but since its always braided she never gets much of it. I would think if you have bunches of dog hair or whatever lying around, you should make sure she can't get into that; I would be concerned about it getting stuck in her crop. I doubt a little will hurt her.
thanks so much! we are vacuuming our floor more, and ive been keeping my hair braided when around her more often, at least when she is in a playful mood. haha. im not as concerned anymore
kt I'm in the dark on this one also. I would think the chick might need some grit to break down the hair and let it pass through even if the can't digest it.


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