eating hair??

I would think that it could be quite dangerous. Any animal that ingests hair/string, etc has to pass it through their stomach, and then into their intestinal tract, where it can actually wind around the intestines and cut off blood supply, which is a death sentence. You aren't suppose to let cats have string, and I got it first hand from a poutry vet to watch what chicks and chickens put in their mouths because certain things can kill them. I would definitely keep your floors well vacuumed, and discourage hair eating. I have ones that pull on my hair too, but as soon as I think they are eating some, I pull them down to my chest and don't let them back up near my hair. I have a zoo here with cats and dogs everywhere, but I vacuum like mad because as much as I love my animals, I'm actually allergic to cats, and I need to keep the dander to a bare minimum or I'm miserable. Keeping the place vacuumed has also helped prevent my chickens that come visit in the kitchen from ingesting things they shouldn't. Though one of my hens DID find a stray piece of styrafoam this afternoon and proceeded to try to inhale it before I could catch her and get it out of her mouth.
I thought I had gotten rid of it all. I guess I hadn't. I just know that I don't want mine eating my hair. I don't want to face the risk of them getting their intestines hurt.
I highly doubt she will ever stop. After all, look how much they like to eat styrofoam! One of mine likes my hair too, but since its always braided she never gets much of it. I would think if you have bunches of dog hair or whatever lying around, you should make sure she can't get into that; I would be concerned about it getting stuck in her crop. I doubt a little will hurt her.
I have a 2 week old chick named Emma and she will peck at my hair and she will try to find hair on my pillow i've had to pull hairs out of her beak multiple times while watching a Star Wars movie with a friend i can't put up my hair because it's too short i know cats will cough up hairballs but will my chick get sick if she eats hair??

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