Eating Healthy


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
A few of us set a goal in chat today to do something about trying to eat more healthy and paying closer attention to what we put in our mouths every day. As careful as we are to feed our chickens and keep treats nice and healthy we don't always treat our own bodies so well.

We decided to start this thread to help us be more accountable for what we are eating and snacking on.

Nothing makes us behave more than having the entire world watching what we eat.

So, we decided to go public and record everything we eat for the next week or two.

If you are interested in playing along with us here is what you do -

Keep a daily log of everything you put in your mouth.

You can post it on this thread but only post once per day in the thread. If you document your breakfast don't come back and start another post with your lunch. Instead edit the breakfast post and add your lunch to it as well as doing the same for your supper and snacks. This way you can keep an at a glance listing of what you have eaten in one day.

If you are interested in riding this crazy train it all starts tomorrow morning with your breakfast.

If you are anything like me ... err ... run to the kitchen now and eat the ice cream before tomorrow morning.

Ready, set, go ... hurry the clock is ticking. Only 10 more hours to stuff junk into your mouth.
This sounds fun!! Of course I'll be gone tomorrow for a school activity, so might as well start now!

A huge bag of caramel chex mix (the wheat chex are the best!), a lunch bag of rasin bran, 6 sushi rolls, a bottle of 2% milk... 3 bottles of water... oh! A pack of gobstoppers!!! Eating the rest of my bag of caramel chex mix right now! It's dinner time!

I'm so going to get diabetes type 2.
Oh boy............I am trying to make healthy food choices!! Since Jan 2007 I have lost 34 lbs through eating well (most of the time) and being more active. This sounds like fun, count me in, but I work tommorrow so will have to post at end of day. Oh yeah......this only works if we are being completely honest! Thank goodness I ate that Mars bar today. I made up for it though and had a skinny!! Maybe log in what exercise you did for the day too?! Ya cant have one without the other!!
I started last Jan too, and I'm down 27 pounds. I only outlawed the really fatty things that have no other food value, like french fries and potatoe chips. I still have candy occasionally, but mostly I just have healthy portions. I read the new Canada Food Guide and used it to figure out how much I should be eating and quit just stuffing my face! It really helps to eat more slowly too, I have a bad habit of gobbling.

Good luck to all! It will be an interesting learning experience!
Goo job April, wow, thats alot of weight loss!!! Coffee with only creamer and a quaker oatmeal breakfast cookie for breakfast.....probably that leftover stirfry (rice, veggies and a teeny bit of meat) for lunch w/ a diet pepsi.
Skip the diet pepsi. Have you heard about the study that showed drinking even one diet soft drink will keep weight on you? It seems the sweet taste with no calorie load does something to the brain they don't understand yet. Have a glass of carbonated water with a slice of lemon if you need a little taste - much better for you.

I've always known that diet soda was bad, my husband drinks at least two liters a day of diet coke, and yes, he's got a weight problem. It loves the stuff, though, and doesn't want to give it up - look up stubborn in the dictionary and you'll see his picture!
This sounds good. I've lost 46 lbs since July 07.... it's miserably slow progress, and I am getting very discouraged. This might help.

I will come to edit this post with my food for the

GIANT mug of Hot tea w/honey and lemon

Breakfast in the car on the way to work :::
Bottle water 20 oz
Protein bar

Big mug of hot tea with splenda

Lunch @ work
2-boiled eggs ( I keep an egg steamer here)

20-oz water

Dinner @ work
Healthy Choice ~ Cafe Steamers Creamy Dill Salmon
20-oz water

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I'm starting a program called "Take shape for life" I've already ordered the food, but been putting off the starting date! This is a perfect opportunity to get me motivated so I'm gonna start today!!!!!!!

Breakfast will be a Medifast shake, but gotta have my coffee first!! Good luck to us all:)

Had a Medifast Bar for snack

By lunch I had already blown it, it was all downhill from there, I'm hopeless....I QUIT!!!!!!!!
Good luck to the rest of you though:)
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