Eating Healthy

Omeletta, you totally inspired me. I'm going to jump into the fray. I am 5'11" tall, and could certainly lose 80 lbs. Joined Weight Watchers in January, lost 6 lbs and fell off the wagon in February already. This post is just the encouragement I needed to get back on track:

Today so far:

9:30 a.m.
2 poached eggs
1 multigrain toast (no butter)
Indian tea w cardamon and sugar

1/2 hour of yoga and stretching
toasted bagel w/ egg & cheese
yogurt & fruit parfait
tea w/ sugar
about half a serving of nasty lo mein with slimy sauce, flavorless tofu and peas
1 oatmeal cookie
1 madeleine cookie
1 vitamin drink
cheese ravioli w/ garlic-herb cream sauce
1 glass milk

hi-fiber crunchy-things cereal w/milk
dark chocolate

can of veg soup because the stuff in the fridge had gotten weird

some corn chips
dark chocolate
2 peanutbutter cookies

tuna casserole (w.w. macaroni, onions, chard, other veggies)
frozen green beans


March 5

scrambled eggs sandwich with mayo
coffee with cream


ham sandwich
diet coke
3 musketeer bar


mini bbq sandwich
diet coke
Thursday 3/6/08

Breakfast :::
3 (med) scrambled eggs

tea w/splenda
cadbury egg

Lunch :::
3/4 of an orange (it was too tart)

snack ::
slice of 12 grain bread w/ peanut butter & jelly on it

Dinner :::
Baked cod fillet rolled up in a multi grain tortilla w/mayo
salad w/ranch
carrot sticks
3 cubes of cheese

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March 6

Breakfast: Yo+ yogurt, water

Snack: Pretzel rods & unsweetened ice tea

Lunch: McDonald's fish sandwich, fries, and a coke

Snack: Pear

Dinner: Lasagna, salad, 'seedy' bread with garlic, unsweetened ice tea

Dessert: slice of birthday ice cream cake
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Mar 6

Breakfast: coffees and Flax Snax hot cereal with splenda.

Lunch: chicken salad over greens which inlcuded a hardboiled egg and broccoli florets and a wee bit o' bleu cheese dressing on the side. It's almost St. Patrick's day and my irish accent starts about now.

Dinner: 2 1/2 slices of Garlic Lovers pizza, and yes I slept alone.
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