Eating Healthy

Friday, Mach 14th!

Cup hot chocolate

coffee with cream and splenda

Diet Dr Pepper

lettuce with real bacon bits and shredded cheese
As my DD reminded me, it's Pi Day 3.14

bfast: poached eggs, coffee
lunch: ...can't even remember (gotta start taking vitamins)
dinner: guess I'll make a pie in honor of Pi day.
Tuna veggie pie
16 spoilt chickens, 1 troublemaking hounddog dd
Saturday , March 15, 08

I've sort of been grazing along today, so I don't have it broken down as

First off tasted the salsa I made last night (it was cold now) to see if it was spicy enough.

Later had some deviled ham on white bread.

Had a few tastes of chili I am making in the crockpot. I don't measure I cook by taste.

Then I made a 10 egg pound cake... I have already had 2 pcs of that today !!!!!! :eek:

Then I made a version of dorito casserole... no doritos used corn chips and taco seasoning. Not bad. Had a good sized portion of that.'

Lots of water today and 1 glass of orange juice.

**Well I am happy to report that after posting yesterday I managed NOt to eat anything else. I went to a poker party and took my salsa and then stayed out of the room with the

When I came home last night one of my dogs (probably my pug as he has a history of this) had sacrificed himself and gotten up to the kitchen table and ate the entire center of the pound cake. Therefore I threw out the remainder and thereby was not influenced by

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March 15

Breakfast: nothin'

Lunch: Mickey D plain cheeseburger Happy Meal

Dinner: Burgers with cheese but no bun (homemade), Bush Vegetarian baked beans, all-natural cheetos, lemonade

Dessert: Thin slice of pound cake
Sunday March 16, 08

Breakfast ::
Orange Juice
scrambled eggs
buttered 12 grain toast


Lunch ::
pancakes w/syrup

orange juice

Dinner ::
cheeseburger on 12 grain bread

kashi crackers w/wedge light laughing cow cheese

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March 16

Breakfast: Corn Chex

Lunch: Hotdig, BBQ tater chips, coke

Snack: 1/2 Chocolate bunny

Dinner: Shrimp, wholewheat pasta, broccoli

Desert: 1.5 servings GS cookies

I was bad, but ran it off hiding eggs for an egg hunt through DH's work. Also did face-painting!

Monday, March 17

Breakfast: serving of corn chex, dry
Cherry yo+

Lunch: popcorn, unsweetened ice tea

Snack: 1/2 chocolate bunny, warm from the sun. Yummy!

Dinner: 1/2 can cream of chicken soup with instant rice thrown in
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March 15th

Cappacino with extra French Vanilla Creamer

1 cup of beef stew

Bologna and cheese on white
apple juice

March 16th

Coffee with creamer and splenda

entire can of vegatable soup
bologna and light miracle whip on white

bologna and light miracle whip on white
single serving cheddar rice cakes

March 17th

Coffee with cream and splenda
single serving Pringles

Coffee with cream and splenda
handful stale mini cheddar rice cakes

Hot Chocolate

Flour Tortilla, 1 scrambled egg, 3 tblsp bacon bits, 1 cup cheese (breakfast burrito for dinner)
2 glasses orange juice
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How is everyone doing? Kinda lost my discipline over the weekend. argh. Lowcarb I am finding is kinda difficult. Eggs for bfast, salad for lunch, protein for dinner. I think it would help to get more variety. I have a uncle who's been on LC for a year now. He's lost over 40 pds and looks great. He's exercising and is in great healthy shape. Lowered his cholesterol and BP too. His favorite snack is peanuts in the shell and he always has a bag around. As I can see from here, there's lots of ways to eat healthy. And, exercise goes hand-in-hand with it.
16 spoilt chickens, 1 hounddog currently sunning on the snowbank near the hens dd
Weekends are hard, since I have less routine on those days. But I have not had a single soda that didn't come from a fast-food kinda place. I never buy it any more for home. And I don't have fast food very often. Once a week, maybe more on really busy weeks.
I've not eaten much candy, either. Been eating fruit cups or yogurt instead. Ate 1/2 a choc bunny yesterday and it made me feel queasy. It was a cheap bunny, though LOL!
And I've been exercising much more consistently and getting the heartrate up.

And it really ticks me off.
I know I need to give it more time, but I'd like to see a LITTLE change just to give me hope.
Healthier choices are better, I know this intellectually. I'd just really like to see some proof physically. Otherwise, I'm going to end up eating like ksacres was in the beginning of this thread...

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