eating my flock


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
im going to a local farm today to purchase some additional hens to add to the breeding coops ive built. im not sure what breed to get for the purpose of eating. does it matter? other than diet and natural heft, what does matter? any suggestiuons appreciated.
RIR, NHR, light bramha, barred rock and some others im forgetting. any suggestions as to something better are welcome, as im not required to get them from this guy.
i dont want multi-use. i want meat that will lay enough eggs to incubate a few dozen every couple months
If you want a meat bird specifically those aren't options. All of them are dual purpose. The only one I am NOT sure of is the light Brahmas, and I think they may be too. Dual purpose is not as meaty as a meat bird, but they will lay better. With all of these breeds you will wind up with a longer grow out time than if you get specifically meat birds. The taste and everything is basically the same, but a meat breed grows to age of slaughter faster. Did I explain that right?? I think i did...clear as mud right?
well how do meat birds exist if they dont lay eggs? what are some examples of meat birds as that is what im looking for.
There is the CornishX hybrid but often (yes it can be done, probably not worth it for you) they die of complications due to their massive growth rates before a laying age. If you want a sustainable breed used only for meat, I would check out the Dark Cornish or the White Rocks both available at McMurray Hatchery ( You would have to deal with some slower growth rates but you will in return be able to replenish your broilers every year. If you let us know what you are looking for a bit more we might be able to help a bit better. The breeds you listed available from that person really are not "meat" breeds, though like most birds they would certainly do the job.

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