Eating non-fertile eggs

mollys mom

6 Years
May 9, 2013
Please don't bash me if this seems like a dumb question. I haven't ever incubated eggs before and was wondering what can be done with non-viable eggs if candled around 7 days. So for instance, the egg was laid on day 1 and put into an incubator on day 3. By day 10, it's candled and found to be unfertilized. Can you eat it? Do you feed it back to the chickens or other animals? Toss in the trash?
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Please don't bash me if this seems like a dumb question. I haven't ever incubated eggs before and was wondering what can be done with non-viable eggs if candled around 7 days. So for instance, the egg was laid on day 1 and put into an incubator on day 3. By day 10, it's candled and found to be unfertilized. Can you eat it? Do you feed it back to the chickens or other animals? Toss in the trash?
I throw mine out. I suppose you could boil and feed them back to the chickens. I know I personally wouldn't eat them.
I would not even feed them to animals. Some how, the thought of eating an egg that was not successfully incubated makes me think that the egg would be a prime candidate for bacterial invasion at incubation temps.
Thanks for the help. I thought it would be risky but wasn't sure about feeding to the dogs or chickens.

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