eating your pet open discussion

Yeah. Because MAN does testing and stuff on them. So yeah because of PEOPLE, al if these animals die. And again... I dont eat animals. Animals dont sign up for it. Jimmy crack corn, y know? People on death row and they use animals for testing n stuff.
Go eat your chicken.

Maybe it's that you are emotional about the topic (understandable), but I am having a hard time sorting through what you are saying.
My husband keeps asking if there is a nice home we can drop off our beautiful cockerels, and give them some money and exchange for beautiful boys they give us some chicken meat a couple days later.

He knows it is necessary with 12 cockerels but doesn't want to think about the actually process especially if I do it on our property. In his mind they are just missing and we just happen to pick up some chicken meat. (No mental connection between the two)
My husband keeps asking if there is a nice home we can drop off our beautiful cockerels, and give them some money and exchange for beautiful boys they give us some chicken meat a couple days later.

He knows it is necessary with 12 cockerels but doesn't want to think about the actually process especially if I do it on our property. In his mind they are just missing and we just happen to pick up some chicken meat. (No mental connection between the two)

You may well be able to find someone who would do exactly that. There are small processors in many areas, it's just a matter of finding them. Have you tried asking in your "local" thread if anyone knows of someone who does processing on a small scale?
"Yeah. Because MAN does testing and stuff on them. So yeah because of PEOPLE, al if these animals die. And again... I dont eat animals. Animals dont sign up for it. Jimmy crack corn, y know? People on death row and they use animals for testing n stuff.
Go eat your chicken."

After reading this, I don't know quite how to least courteously.
I think your veggie of choice must contain some serious THC....I don't engage in debates with zealots, it's like trying to teach a pig to wastes your time, and annoys the pig.
Quote: And again, are ALL the vegetable products you consume farmed on 100% no-kill farms? Stored in no-kill warehousing facilities? How do the farmers guarantee they have not plowed over a nest of rodents or baby rabbits? How do they humanely deter or remove the rodent population to prevent contamination of the food? Do they guarantee that no hunting is carried out relative to their farms to prevent the deer from decimating the crops? The rodents and insects killed to preserve your food intact didn't sign up for it either.

Quote: People on death row who are awaiting the appeal process have sometimes been proven innocent and released. Also, they are people with all the same legal rights to consent to medical procedures as anyone else. No one is stopping you from volunteering for medical trials. Think of all the animals you will save!
Yeah. Because MAN does testing and stuff on them. So yeah because of PEOPLE, al if these animals die. And again... I dont eat animals. Animals dont sign up for it. Jimmy crack corn, y know? People on death row and they use animals for testing n stuff.
Go eat your chicken.
OK, I have to ask... Do you buy your chickens straight run or pullets? If the answer is pullets, and I know it is from some of your previous posts, then animals are dying for you. Buying pullets leaves a whole lot of roos out there that are either sold as meat birds or ground up into pet food (as chicks, whole and alive). If you buy pullets, you contribute to that slaughter.
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You may well be able to find someone who would do exactly that.  There are small processors in many areas, it's just a matter of finding them.  Have you tried asking in your "local" thread if anyone knows of someone who does processing on a small scale?

There are some local places who would do it, but for conviences,I would rather try myself to save the money. He already said if I do it myself he wants to be out of town and me not mention a thing.
FWIW - I completely respect the dietary choices of individuals. I, myself, would likely starve if I had to embark on a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, for the simple fact that I am an extremely picky eater who has an extremely short list of fruits and vegetables that I can stand to eat -- but I have a certain respect for those who are able to make the commitment to that choice. As with many other issues on which I may hold different views, I respect the view on the other side - when it is presented in a respectable manner (just as I would expect to be respected only when presenting myself respectably). Disagreeing with something does (should?) not automatically equate to not respecting the person. I quite enjoy a good conversation or a civil debate, however I think what some forget is that when you resort to certain tactics or choices of word, tone, etc. it tends to shut others out from hearing you - the louder you scream, the less people listen. What is often missing, is that the respect is most appreciated when it goes *both* ways.
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"I quite enjoy a good conversation or a civil debate, however I think what some forget is that when you resort to certain tactics or choices of word, tone, etc. it tends to shut others out from hearing you - the louder you scream, the less people listen. "

As do I. However, I believe that this site should be about chickens, raising them, enjoying them, not to espouse political viewpoints. There are plenty of other websites supporting that purpose. No one here should be discussing upcoming elections, their least favorite politicians, perhaps stupid laws regarding the ownership of fowl would be an exception. That, I would agree to.

Like the laws where people can have barking dogs left outside all day and night, but not even 2-3 quiet little hens?

Or outdoor cats can roam free, yowling outside windows at oh-dark-thirty, and leaving feces in flower beds or garden plots, but forget having those filthy nasty chickens?

If your neighbor has a parrot or cockatiel that lives in their sunroom and shrieks loudly that's just fine. But a quiet friendly hen? Get out of town! No, seriously, leave.

And this is why I don't live inside city limits, in a neighborhood with an overbearing "homeowner's association" (too often that's a code for "We think WE own your home, and will tell you loudly why you're not allowed to do anything to it without committee approval), and the thought of living in a townhouse or apartment makes my skin crawl.

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