eating your pet open discussion

I'm raising chickens for the first time this year. I have 5 pullets and 1 rooster. For me, they are going to be pets that lay eggs. They all have names, and I pet them, hand feed them, and I know I could never eat them. That being said, I TOTALLY understand people raising them as food, or eating them once they stop laying. More and more people want to know where their food comes from and to humanely raise as much of that food as possible. I don't think most people will eat a pet, but if they are raising animals for food, I believe they are doing it because they want those animals to be treated well and cared for. They might not be pets in the traditional sense, but they are still treated better than factories and that's the important thing.
because thts what it is a discussion about eating your pets although I must say its branched off a lot

Actually, it's about eating chickens, which millions of people all over the world do and derive important nutrition therein. Chickens aren't pets unless you label them so and even labeling a chicken as a pet only makes it so in your mind and yours alone. You could label a skunk, a shark or a snake as a pet and many people would not see them as pets no matter how often you called them one.

Many, many people have chickens with names, chickens they pet or hand feed and love up on and they still eat them. It doesn't mean they are eating a pet. The word pet is subjective, and as such, can only be determined by the subject alone. What may be a pet in your yard may be food in another yard. Saying this thread is about pets is a misnomer as no other type of animal was mentioned in the OP except chickens. Now, if you had mentioned chickens in a group of animals commonly known for being kept as pets, such as cats, dogs, snakes, hamsters, exotic birds, horses, etc. then the thread would be about eating pets as a whole, but since you've singled out chickens, which are more commonly known as a food and farm animal rather than a pet animal, then I'd wager this thread is about eating chickens.

First post states....

...and never once mentions pets, though the title does and never mentions chickens. I'd say the title doesn't belong to the post or this post doesn't belong to the title. You could have avoided the whole controversy by placing a title "Do you eat your pet chickens?", and the folks who don't see chickens as pets would never respond. Having a title as intriguing as "eating your pets" is calculated to draw those curious about folks eating their cats and dogs and the reasoning behind it, then they see that you've placed chickens on the menu and it all becomes something vastly different. Chickens aren't pets unless you say they are in your world....calling them pets in my world is just looking for a fight. I'd say you knew that and are just looking for drama.
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that wasn't what I thought as my mind doesn't think like that I just assumed that as this is called backyard chickens I thought that most peoples pets were chickens do you see that link with the title
Actually, it's about eating chickens, which millions of people all over the world do and derive important nutrition therein. Chickens aren't pets unless you label them so and even labeling a chicken as a pet only makes it so in your mind and yours alone. You could label a skunk, a shark or a snake as a pet and many people would not see them as pets no matter how often you called them one.

Many, many people have chickens with names, chickens they pet or hand feed and love up on and they still eat them. It doesn't mean they are eating a pet. The word pet is subjective, and as such, can only be determined by the subject alone. What may be a pet in your yard may be food in another yard. Saying this thread is about pets is a misnomer as no other type of animal was mentioned in the OP except chickens. Now, if you had mentioned chickens in a group of animals commonly known for being kept as pets, such as cats, dogs, snakes, hamsters, exotic birds, horses, etc. then the thread would be about eating pets as a whole, but since you've singled out chickens, which are more commonly known as a food and farm animal rather than a pet animal, then I'd wager this thread is about eating chickens.

First post states....

...and never once mentions pets, though the title does and never mentions chickens. I'd say the title doesn't belong to the post or this post doesn't belong to the title. You could have avoided the whole controversy by placing a title "Do you eat your pet chickens?", and the folks who don't see chickens as pets would never respond. Having a title as intriguing as "eating your pets" is calculated to draw those curious about folks eating their cats and dogs and the reasoning behind it, then they see that you've placed chickens on the menu and it all becomes something vastly different. Chickens aren't pets unless you say they are in your world....calling them pets in my world is just looking for a fight. I'd say you knew that and are just looking for drama.
after a point made who agrees with eating turtles dogs cats hamsters rats rabbits or any other pet
after a point made who agrees with eating turtles dogs cats hamsters rats rabbits or any other pet

I agree with a person's right to decide for themselves - as long as the animals are housed, raised and processed humanely I have no issue with it -- that does not mean I am going to go home and eat my cat tonight, but I don't have any right to judge the person who does.
Also, while I may not personally process and consume my personal cat/dog/horse - I would sample it if offered, especially if offered in a situation where I wanted/needed to be culturally sensitive. I can't think of an animal I would not willingly consume.
that wasn't what I thought as my mind doesn't think like that I just assumed that as this is called backyard chickens I thought that most peoples pets were chickens do you see that link with the title

Well, you know what assuming gets you.
No, most people's chickens are not pets, especially not where I come from. Chickens are food, just like those sold in the store and restaurants.

after a point made who agrees with eating turtles dogs cats hamsters rats rabbits or any other pet

I'd have no problem whatsoever eating a dog, cat, hamster, rats, rabbits or any other pet if that was what I was raising them for and the situation called for it. Many people raise guinea pigs for eating. I've raised rabbits for eating, I've eaten turtle before and I intentionally keep big dogs just in case I may one day have to eat them. They hold nourishment much like any other protein and in a food crisis, I'd not be able to afford food for the dog anyway...better to eat him before he starves in front of me.

Folks here in America have lofty ideas about what they will and will not eat because they've never been truly hungry. There will come a time in this world~even here in America~when they will eat their pets and be glad to have the food.

Here's a vid of people in America fighting over towels on Black Friday....imagine if this were a food shortage? How long do you think anyone's pets would last if there was no food on the store shelves? Even city folk will learn how to kill, skin and butcher out a dog as slick as you please when it comes down to hunger.


Here they are fighting over phones....


Over lingerie at Vicky's Gossip aka Victoria's Secret....


People are just one small step away from a hungry wolf pack when it's something they want and when food gets scarce, they will behave much like animals do...they will hunt, kill and eat whatever is available...even their own pets, their neighbor's pets, even each other~lest we forget the Donner Party.

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