Shalom dax, here eggs are MUCH MUCH more then food!
All the egg production is controlled by government and they give allotting to farmers especially those that live along the borders. In that case we have people inhabiting ouer border = more security and they get a very needed income source!
If I will have 11or more commercial white layers (Hyline) I will brake the low!

So eggs are a carrot of sorts. Live at the border and you can have chickens.

3-5 dollars is what I charge for a dozen. Quality vrs quantity and people here know it.

4 doz sold at $5 4 doz sold at $3 this week. Could not have chickens if I didn't sell eggs. Feed at $15 per 50# and I get spent grain free from brewery. Well free, I have to spend gas to pick it up and time but still 12 5 gallon buckets every two weeks is great.

The difference in price is my clients. And the ones at $5 know the ones that can't afford more get a break.
Quote: He was at the vet for bumble foot. But good pick up, his comb has also had issues off and on. Here, he had been rubbing it on hardware cloth overhead over the roosts (heaven knows why he had to pick the part under the slope!). But now he has developed some weird infection on it - I've been putting silver sulfadiazine on it at night, seems to help a lot.

Underlying issue, I don't think he gets as much blood flow to it as he should, and that predisposes to stuff like that, etc.

Guess who got to go out today...

She looks super happy to be out!!!!

I just got home from Home Depot. I swear, it's so exhausting to shop for the materials, it's like I need a nap.

But I should start working on the lumber again now. The remaining chicks in the brooders are way past when they should have been moved outside, and I urgently need to finish building their housing. If I could, I'd take all next week off, but I can't. (I may try to take lots of partial days if I can - as it is, I'm going to lose vacation if I don't take a certain number of days by August.)

- Ant Farm
Quote: He was at the vet for bumble foot. But good pick up, his comb has also had issues off and on. Here, he had been rubbing it on hardware cloth overhead over the roosts (heaven knows why he had to pick the part under the slope!). But now he has developed some weird infection on it - I've been putting silver sulfadiazine on it at night, seems to help a lot.

Underlying issue, I don't think he gets as much blood flow to it as he should, and that predisposes to stuff like that, etc.

Guess who got to go out today...

She looks super happy to be out!!!!

I just got home from Home Depot. I swear, it's so exhausting to shop for the materials, it's like I need a nap.

But I should start working on the lumber again now. The remaining chicks in the brooders are way past when they should have been moved outside, and I urgently need to finish building their housing. If I could, I'd take all next week off, but I can't. (I may try to take lots of partial days if I can - as it is, I'm going to lose vacation if I don't take a certain number of days by August.)

- Ant Farm
I do 99% of my business with Lowes these days. I dealt mostly with HD 'til Lowes opened a new store only half as far away as HD. The other big reason I deal with Lowes is that I can order my stuff online, specify "store pickup" & they'll pull it, email me when it's ready, and all I have to do is drive down & pick it up. I don't know if HD offers that or not.
I do 99% of my business with Lowes these days. I dealt mostly with HD 'til Lowes opened a new store only half as far away as HD. The other big reason I deal with Lowes is that I can order my stuff online, specify "store pickup" & they'll pull it, email me when it's ready, and all I have to do is drive down & pick it up. I don't know if HD offers that or not.

I used to buy @ Lowe's before the close location closed. Now I use HD, they're good too.

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