What a day! Going going going, and then suddenly out of gas. Mercifully it wasn't hot (only about 90F). Cleaned out three of the tractor coops of some of the old bedding (deep litter is all fine and well, but stuff was high enough to get constantly kicked into the waterers) and put in fresh bedding, and in other coops, I added some live oak leaves. Then my new hammock had arrived, so I set it up and read a magazine in it for a while, then started putting together the last tractor coop (for the Aloha boys) - turns out that I have to move an old compost pile to get it where I want it, and ran out of gas while shoveling. :th

Speaking of blackberry has anyone found a good thornless one?

Natchez is supposed to be really really good and a hardy one - it's supposed to have a longer productive life than Navaho and Arapaho (other ones). Mine are Roseborough (not thornless). I'm sure I'll regret it, but the patch is already established. I finished the weeding around them today, cut some of the old canes (not all), and "mulched" around them all with the bedding I had cleaned out of the coops.

Thankfully the heat has put an end to the broodies need to make a nest. Except the Marans hen.

These photos of mamas and babies are so cute, Peter and Mike!!! I still have two broodies - crazy little things. I also have one of the junior coops where they just started laying (and I just gave them the nest box) - they are refusing to use the nest box, finding eggs all over the place. :he

Days like this I'm really glad to have the auto doors - I suspect I will fall asleep before it's time to roost. :th
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My new hammock.

What a day! Going going going, and then suddenly out of gas. Mercifully it wasn't hot (only about 90F). Cleaned out three of the tractor coops of some of the old bedding (deep litter is all fine and well, but stuff was high enough to get constantly kicked into the waterers) and put in fresh bedding, and in other coops, I added some live oak leaves. Then my new hammock had arrived, so I set it up and read a magazine in it for a while, then started putting together the last tractor coop (for the Aloha boys) - turns out that I have to move an old compost pile to get it where I want it, and ran out of gas while shoveling. :th

Natchez is supposed to be really really good and a hardy one - it's supposed to have a longer productive life than Navaho and Arapaho (other ones). Mine are Roseborough (not thornless). I'm sure I'll regret it, but the patch is already established. I finished the weeding around them today, cut some of the old canes (not all), and "mulched" around them all with the bedding I had cleaned out of the coops.

These photos of mamas and babies are so cute, Peter and Mike!!! I still have two broodies - crazy little things. I also have one the the junior coops where they just started laying (and I just gave them the nest box) - they are refusing to use the nest box, finding eggs all over the place. :he

Days like this I'm really glad to have the auto doors - I suspect I will fall asleep before it's time to roost. :th

Busy day, but at least you got to try out the hammock! I usually don't even bother checking my nest box for eggs. They so seldom actually use them, particularly this time of year.

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