What a day! Going going going, and then suddenly out of gas. Mercifully it wasn't hot (only about 90F). Cleaned out three of the tractor coops of some of the old bedding (deep litter is all fine and well, but stuff was high enough to get constantly kicked into the waterers) and put in fresh bedding, and in other coops, I added some live oak leaves. Then my new hammock had arrived, so I set it up and read a magazine in it for a while, then started putting together the last tractor coop (for the Aloha boys) - turns out that I have to move an old compost pile to get it where I want it, and ran out of gas while shoveling. :th

Natchez is supposed to be really really good and a hardy one - it's supposed to have a longer productive life than Navaho and Arapaho (other ones). Mine are Roseborough (not thornless). I'm sure I'll regret it, but the patch is already established. I finished the weeding around them today, cut some of the old canes (not all), and "mulched" around them all with the bedding I had cleaned out of the coops.

These photos of mamas and babies are so cute, Peter and Mike!!! I still have two broodies - crazy little things. I also have one of the junior coops where they just started laying (and I just gave them the nest box) - they are refusing to use the nest box, finding eggs all over the place. :he

Days like this I'm really glad to have the auto doors - I suspect I will fall asleep before it's time to roost. :th
. Where do you like to get the blackberry Natchez. I'll look it up but if you have a good on line spot I'll try it as well.
We made it to 101 with tomorrow supposed to be cooler.
May still get the eggs from Dunlap. Even though I'm over run with birds now.
Working on an awning for between the houses so inside most of hot day sewing things together.
Need to get out there and feed
Did some garden work earlier. Also most done
marshmallows anyone?
Kristin, only 90°F??? You crazy.

I know, right?! It felt downright chilly when the breeze came through... :D

. Where do you like to get the blackberry Natchez. I'll look it up but if you have a good on line spot I'll try it as well.
We made it to 101 with tomorrow supposed to be cooler.
May still get the eggs from Dunlap. Even though I'm over run with birds now.
Working on an awning for between the houses so inside most of hot day sewing things together.
Need to get out there and feed
Did some garden work earlier. Also most done

I just know where to get them locally (nurseries). No idea beyond that... Sorry.:(

- Ant Farm
BIL had one. We were always to busy to use the thing.
I'm surprised at the green grass still. Nothing like that left here. Maybe in the shade of a tree or two

We had a hammock like this when I was a kid, and we LOVED it! Were in it all the time. I have it set up so I can watch the chickens from it. :thumbsup

It's not grass - it's all low growing drought-tough weeds. I don't think I have grass anywhere.... Hasn't rained in ages... :rolleyes:
We had a hammock like this when I was a kid, and we LOVED it! Were in it all the time. I have it set up so I can watch the chickens from it. :thumbsup

It's not grass - it's all low growing drought-tough weeds. I don't think I have grass anywhere.... Hasn't rained in ages... :rolleyes:

Green weeds without thorns or sticky gooey stuff all over them. That would be nice. Although the sticky ones are supposed to be good for catching small gnats
Hey DAN if you see this, I need baby bunny advice?!?!?!?

My daughter's dog, brought us a baby bunny with it's eyes not open yet. We did a little googling, and were able to make it a nest under the heat lamp in the brooder room for it, and syringe feed it 1-3cc's of kitten/goats milk.

They said if it's found stressed out/dehydrated it's chances of survival are about 10% but it was in semi-decent shape when we found it, and it appeared fairly healthy, despite being carried by a dog.

(I'm just surprised he didn't kill it and actually brought it to us alive???)

We would have just put it back in it's nest, but had NO idea where he got it from :(

Any tips for syringe feeding and taming a wild bunny. I told my daughter since it's survival rates are so low, if it survives, she can keep the stupid thing.

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