Kinda tough to stabilize room temp here. If I close the door the room temp is in the high 50s. If I leave the door open the room temp eventually matches whatever the temp in the rest of the basement is, which depends on how hard the stove's working.
Understood, completely. We use a spare bedroom. Aluminum foil air duct tape over the climate control register, foam isolation board over the room's exterior window, a door sweep and door jam seal and 5 brooders having lamps running from recent hatches. The brooders heat the room and also our home is constructed of real brick, not simulated.. well insulated. It it like really warm in that room. Door stays closed. Later in the season when we gear down to less hatches/less brooders, the room temp will be harder to stabilize.

:oldWhile I've got your attention, I was thinking of you last night while Hub-n-I were grabbing gas cans to fill today with non ethanol fuel..(ethanol destroys small engines on purpose so you will buy a new one)
You are one of the few who recognize the fact that we have become a "throw away society" in terms of the quality of products available to us consumers these days. Stuff WAS BUILT TO LAST but now meant to wear out so you will keep buying a replacement and keep our economy strong by shopping, over and over again.
Exhibit A:
This Gas can is easily 25 years old. No rust, no deterioration. Even the high quality rubber flex nozzle is intact.
MADE IN USA, the old lost USA. At the very end of quality consciousnesses, before the shift to selling lesser quality products for higher profits and repeat purchase consumers. (supply & demand)
Take note: The entire can is printed in ENGLISH! Products of today are loaded with Spanish language so Spanish people have no need to learn English (no offense intended).
My Grandparents may not have had it as easy as we all do today as far as technology is concerned, but the products they purchased were not engineered to self destruct to keep them in a vicious cycle of running to Walmart for a replacement for the last piece of crap you bought.

Exhibit B:
Said piece of crap..
Not even 3 years old if that. I'm being generous by adding age I believe. Faded, cracking, nozzle crumbling, breather tab crystallizing.. This is an example of the direction that our industries have taken us.
Read this warning.. if you can. I think if I had a translation it would be saying: "Warning, you are purchasing a piece of crap and we are laughing at you because you will be buying a replacement piece of crap real soon."
Today GAS CANS are like MOOD RINGS, They come brand new with a bright cherry red color, then the color changes.. to the color of our local landfill.
Even the chickens know it's a piece of crap, that's why they crapped on it..:lau

I would not mind paying $5 to $10 dollars more for a product that will last 20+ years. I am already paying 3 times that by repeat purchasing the same products over and over again.
And I would spend $20 extra if they would print labels in the language our country was founded upon. :confused:
Then I should hide from you?
View attachment 1330092

:thView attachment 1330094

cool beans!:cool:

:frowhey right back at cha Sally.. We buried our last Buck deep into the Garden last Fall-ish. No kidding this year:hit.. tomatoes are beautiful but taste bitter sweet.:confused:
We have been scouring for prospects. When we find one reasonable and advantageously priced, the living conditions of the farms we visit are ______, I'll leave it at that, fill in the blank. :sick
Glad to see your avatar popping up the last couple days. I've got 3 ovens running right now and ordered a part for my broken 4th. I ordered a digital control for a LG 9300 and they shipped me the heating unit.:barnie. That was nice they didn't charge me but... their mistake is my loss. I'm selling chicks faster than I can hatch them and now I'm waiting for the controller AGAINView attachment 1330125 . Direct from LG btw. Instead of little giant their initials stand for "learn grammar" when reading orders.
I have the second day of a really good hatch going on. My brooder looks like a nest of rats!
AGAIN.. great to see you pop back in.. TYL.:hugs
OMG you hoarder you!!! hahahha

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