I think DC and Atlanta are worse. Morning and afternoon rush hours last about 4 hours each and nothing moves.
If I need something really really bad, & D.C.'s the only place to get it, I'll do without it. When I can see where I need to be, & can't get there because of one-way streets, I need to be somewhere else.
First duckling out was a hinnie (Pekin over a Muscovy. It would be sterile). I’m guessing birth defect.
I saw two other eggs.
Yes I know, but In my age, sizes and with the stupidity of other drivers on the road I can't risk having a fall.
I'm a good bit older than you & was pushing 200 lb. when I was riding mine. I'd still be riding today if MD hadn't passed laws requiring helmets, registrations, insurance,& licenses. Due to their low horsepower, they aren't allowed on roads with speed limits in excess of 50 mph, and I decided that if I had to spend all that money to ride, I'd spend it on a full-sized motorcycle that I could ride on any roads I chose, regardless of speed limits. Might even have ventured over to MC's & taken her for a ride :).
Other drivers used to be a larger problem here when bikes & scooters weren't as prevalent as they've become. In fact, there is the opposite problem now; the bikers jump from lane to lane without bothering to signal, weave in & out of traffic, ride on the shoulder, etc. Those kind are in the minority, naturally, but they're indistinguishable from the responsible bikers until they pull something stupid.
I'm a good bit older than you & was pushing 200 lb. when I was riding mine. I'd still be riding today if MD hadn't passed laws requiring helmets, registrations, insurance,& licenses. Due to their low horsepower, they aren't allowed on roads with speed limits in excess of 50 mph, and I decided that if I had to spend all that money to ride, I'd spend it on a full-sized motorcycle that I could ride on any roads I chose, regardless of speed limits. Might even have ventured over to MC's & taken her for a ride :).
Other drivers used to be a larger problem here when bikes & scooters weren't as prevalent as they've become. In fact, there is the opposite problem now; the bikers jump from lane to lane without bothering to signal, weave in & out of traffic, ride on the shoulder, etc. Those kind are in the minority, naturally, but they're indistinguishable from the responsible bikers until they pull something stupid.
Here, all of that (= insurance, helmet licence .....) is the obvious!
But a lot of my friends do drive on some kind of 2 wheel until their wives put an end to that! Those party poppers.. . :lau

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