EE, Araucana or Americana?

Backyard Hencam

12 Years
Apr 27, 2009
California Central Coast
Can anyone tell me the difference between EE, Araucana, or Americana? I bought six chicks from our "Farm Supply" last month (ordered from a hatchery). One of mine was said to be an Americana. I was assured that Americana and Araucana were the same and that she would lay colored eggs. I'm not going to show or anything, just want to know what she is?
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Theres hundreds of threads here about EE, araucanas and AMERAUCANAS. If you do a search you'll find more information that you probably want to know. The short of it is, if you purchased from a feed store or a hatchery, you probably have EEs, which are chickens that should lay green or blue/green eggs. They are not a pure bred chicken, but a cross strictly for colored eggs.
No farm store who gets birds from a hatchery will have Ameraucanas or Araucanas, which are two very different breeds. They are Easter Eggers, a mixed breed, which can really lay any color, including brown.

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