EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

It was so much fun to see all the chick and adult pictures everyone posted. Here are our two EE's

Mica on left. Maya on right 6 days old

Maya on left. Mica on right. 5 weeks old

Mica 9 weeks old

Maya 9 weeks old
These 2 turned into....The feed on the ground is from my 2yr old neice 'helping' me
Yes she does look like Maya. What did she look like as a chick? She is very pretty. I love her black head with the gold neck feathers.
You all have such beautiful birds and this thread is excellent. Love watching the progression.

I have a question that is EE related but not plumage related, but I cannot find a straight EE thread. I figured this group here could surely answer it....

* I know that EE's can lay blue, blue/green, green, pink, or even brown colored eggs. Are the blue/green colors clearly the most common with pink, cream, or brown being far less so?

Just curious and sorry to post this here.

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