EE crossbred questions--pics of cockerel p. 3

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I think Ameraucana's have walnut combs not pea combs and I am pretty sure your rooster has a walnut comb. Not sure if a walnut comb is dominant or not.
I have EE's out of a pure Ameraucana rooster (walnut comb) and several different straight comb breed hens. So, of the eleven offspring I kept this past season, seven have walnit combs (all pullets) and of the four cockerals, two have straight combs and two have walnut combs. I take that to mean that it can't always be dominant.
I will say on the EE/mutt debate that and EE can have all of the characterisitics of an Ameraucana ie. walnut comb, muffs, leg color and egg color but it is still an EE not an Ameraucana.
In the past I have owned chickens that laid a blue or green egg but had no other distinguishing traits of the Ameraucana. IMO these are Easter Eggers too, hence the name.
An EE is the offspring of an Araucana or Ameraucana crossed with any other breed.
It was the name coined for those mixed breed birds that lay a colored egg but do not meet the standard of either the Ameraucana or Araucana.
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I have no presumptions about the cockerel in question. He's undoubtedly mixed, as are my hybrids, my dog and my horse. This is just experimental backyard breeding, not trying to admit something to the APA or breed to APA standards. He and his offspring will be in my backyard, not in a cage at FowlFest. He's a nice looking boy who is cold hardy with a great personality. That's really all I need in a rooster to sire more backyard mix layers. I plan to use him and the hybrids to keep producing laying hens.

Now the hybrid thing is a whole 'nother debate. They are sex links: RIR, Leghorn & BR are all in the background, all production bred. Now I know the F1 generation is supposed to perform best, but with judicious culling and a little attention I should be able to isolate the most productive individuals and cull less productive birds. Again, THESE will be nothing more than laying birds and if an occasional one happens to lay a green egg, I will not complain.

I have cochins for a breeding project and for broodies. I just want the others to lay eggs.
for the original poster, i think you should go for it. as for the posters who think their standard color ameraucanas are so much greater than our mixed color ameraucanas, your birds were bred from our birds. historically speaking. why would i want all black ameraucanas when i can have mixed color ee? i have black australorps and thats enough black chickens. wheaton ameraucanas? i have wheaton cubalayas already. i like the unknown factor of my easter egger ameraucanas. the tone of some of you guys posts are rude and downright obnoxious. your birds are worth no more than mine. get over it.
There is nothing wrong with the term "mutt". If you find it an offensive term, I'm sorry, but that's what EasterEggers are, INCLUDING the ones I own and the chicks that I actively bred. Yes, I bred F1 Ameraucana cross EasterEggers, and they are the only "breed" I've sold chicks/eggs of. A purebred isn't technically any better than any other bird; their worth in $$$ might be on the market but that doesn't mean they are better chooks. I love my EE's, all three of them, and their amazing mixed colors.... I couldn't have been more upset when Faun passed in my arms. And I would love to have more EE's in my flock.

My dog is a mutt, I love her and she is my baby. I wouldn't trade her for a purebred dog even if it was worth a million bucks. She grew up with me, and she is the best dog I have ever, and will ever own.

I'm sorry if I offended you, or you thought I was trying being rude. I had no intentions of upsetting you, only pointing out the facts.

The Quechua? Yes, but not all EE's are Quechua type, though. Most EE's are mixed type or large production type.

Ameraucanas/Araucanas do have a pea comb, not a walnut.
And pea combs are dominant.

ChickenWrangler, I'm sorry the thread has been hijacked. I think he'll give you gorgeous little chicks.

The only bad thing is EE's tend to practically stop laying in the winter - mine do. I'd watch out for that if you're breeding just for egg production.
Nobody here pointing out the facts or just trying to be informative has been obnoxious or rude. You can't tell somebodies tone over the internet on a post.
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