EE experts....opinions...


9 Years
Sep 27, 2010
ok...I have had EE's before...but can't remember when they started laying...I have 2 new ones at 15 weeks...and am getting green pullet this too early? I am at a loss...they are so young still. I have older girls, at 21 weeks...and only the Anconas are laying tiny white pullet eggs...the others I am still waiting on, they should all be brown eggs. Is 15 weeks an age the EE;s could be laying?
It all depends on the genetics of the EE's and what other breeds are mixed in there. Heavier breeds start around 5 or 6 mths, lighter breeds around 4 or 5 mths.
It sounds quite young for an EE. If they're new to you, I'd suggest they're older than stated. That. or some of your older birds aren't the brown egg layers you're expecting. You can post pics of the birds in question, if you'd like. As a screening tool, pea combs are much more likely to lay blue/green eggs than straight.
It sounds quite young for an EE. If they're new to you, I'd suggest they're older than stated. That. or some of your older birds aren't the brown egg layers you're expecting. You can post pics of the birds in question, if you'd like. As a screening tool, pea combs are much more likely to lay blue/green eggs than straight.

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Do all the birds in your older group look right for the breed(s) they are meant to be? While it is possible your little girls are laying, it is also possible that someone has snuck in under the radar as the wrong breed.

I am NOT new to EE's....i bought the three I have at 2 days old....I do have a couple in question, but I thought EE's were the only breed that laid green eggs....I have this little one above, not sure what she is, not EE though....she is quite small, but not bantam size. She came from a back yard hatchery. Rose comb...

(this is a pic from a few weeks ago)

I have this one...although pretty sure she is a RSL mix....I also have another one, she is the same color with a tad of green in the tail and in her sickle feathers around her neck. I caught the above mentioned sitting on a green egg one day...she stood up when I approached and let me take the egg...she then stood and tossed straw over her shoulder to work on a nest. These hens are only 20 weeks...the EE's are 5 weeks younger.

My 3 Ancona's are laying, or at least one of them is...getting small white eggs from them.

I will get a pic of the RSL in question, I am keeping them in the coop for a while today, they don't seem to understand what the nest boxes are yet...

Here is the one I found sitting on the green egg....she is gentle, so when I saw her looking around for a spot yesterday, I just scooped her up and stuffed her in the nesting boxes...she didn't lay in there...

One more of above chicken....

My two EE females, (the 3rd EE is the roo standing to their right) Not yet even red combed, so not laying in my opinion.

SLW, I have 2, don't think they are laying doubt in this breed...

One of my Anconas...and a mystery BO mix in the back...bright yellow feet, barring on body, and large comb...

**edit: Cream Legbars, and the Isbar also lay colored eggs that resemble mine...pretty sure I don't have any of those, or the woman I got them from had any....
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With that info, I would peg this pretty girl as the green egg layer. That comb shows mixed heritage, could easily be a pea/straight mix. Her body's pretty dual-purpose looking, not as slender as most EE are, but that green could have come through a generation or two. I got some funky similar combs from crossing brown Leghorns and EE...

My hens laid huge, pale blue or green eggs, and lots of them!

With that info, I would peg this pretty girl as the green egg layer. That comb shows mixed heritage, could easily be a pea/straight mix. Her body's pretty dual-purpose looking, not as slender as most EE are, but that green could have come through a generation or two. I got some funky similar combs from crossing brown Leghorns and EE...

My hens laid huge, pale blue or green eggs, and lots of them!

yes, the above is my culprit....caught her in the act under a to train them to lay in the coop...pretty bird you have!

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