EE or what breed is this hen?


Apr 15, 2020
This is Mabel. I got her last August as a chick and she has just recently started laying. Her eggs are medium sized glossy, round, and BROWN. She was sold to me as an Easter egger. I realize they are “mutts” but she looks nothing like any Easter egger I’ve ever seen a picture of. I was told she was from cream or white legbar. Her legs are white and she has speckled black feathers beneath her wings and in her tail. Pic below of her now and as a chick. Just curious if she is an EE or what she might be and why she would be laying brown eggs.
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She looks like a mixed breed, maybe a LS cross.
I agree with “mixed”. As a chick she actually had the chipmunk look with a little eyeliner so I believed she was an EE. Now I have no idea lol. She does resemble light Sussex coloring... leg color is more accurate with a light Sussex than Delaware. Her black feathers are barred though, not solid. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Some of my hatchery Brahmas have light legs similar to yours (also supposed to be yellow), but I hear ya. Where did you get her?
I bought her from someone at a farm store swap meet. I got two birds, was supposed to be an EE and an OE. The OE is a beautiful rooster and looks exactly like what she said he was, a maran/cream legbar/OE mix. She said this one was a cream legbar/white leghorn mix, which I figured out later should have been what they call a super blue egg layer, rather than an EE....But if that was true she shouldn’t be laying brown eggs lol.
I bought her from someone at a farm store swap meet. I got two birds, was supposed to be an EE and an OE. The OE is a beautiful rooster and looks exactly like what she said he was, a maran/cream legbar/OE mix. She said this one was a cream legbar/white leghorn mix, which I figured out later should have been what they call a super blue egg layer, rather than an EE....But if that was true she shouldn’t be laying brown eggs lol.
Hmm, yeah, that's a head scratcher.

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