Your tag line says you have 3 pullets so this should be easy. I would temporalily move the girls out of the coop. They could be fine caged for a day or two. Once the girls were out, I would bug bomb the coop. After the coop aired, I would sweep it out to clean up dead bugs. Of course change all of the bedding and wash the feeders and waterers and air everything out.
I used to be deathly afraid of spiders. I have thankfully outgrown it. I unfortunatey passed this fear of spiders onto my oldest daughter. She seriously has panic attacks at the sight of spiders. I refuse to pass this fear onto my other two kiddos. I now can kill any spider that I need to. I usually only kill the poisonous ones because the others are so helpful in keeping the bugs away. I don't allow them in my house at all, but as far as outside, they are safe granted they are poisonous or on my head,

Now, I have even caught a black widow, because it was the biggest one I have ever seen, to show it to my son and make sure he knows what it is. He does. He also knows what a copperhead is and has identified one before. Back to the spiders, you have to kill them. They can make you very ill if you don't and you get bitten by one. Don't be scared, just take a fly swatter and go to town on them.
My husband is the biggest wuss when it comes to spiders. Let me share this story with you guys. About 2 years ago, I was nine months pregnant. You girls are familiar with that time. I was fat, bloated, swollen ankles, could barely move. Matt, my DH was coming out of our bedroom in our BRAND NEW house, and low and behold, he saw a HUGE black spider crawling on the floor. He went into hysterics. He jumped on the couch and started screaming for me. This is really funny, cause my husband is (at this time, he's out now) a big, bad MARINE. OORAH and all that. I come running out of the kitchen as fast as my fat feet and ankles will carry me to see what all the commotion is about. He points out the spider, and I scooped it up and out of the house. He asked if I got it, and I said yes, but I don't think he believed it. About an hour later, after noticing him checking under the couch for bugs, I screamed at him, "OMG, There's that spider....MATT, it's on your Shoulder!" I'm laughing just remembering this. He jumped up, screamed like a little girl, and was started stripping off his clothes. Seriously, he was nekkid in less than 2 minutes. I started laughing, and he figured out I was just messing with him. Do you guys know he pouted with me for the rest of the night. I mean, hardcore, 3 year old kid pouted. I don't care though. It was the most fun I'd had in a long time.

So yeah, just scoop the spiders into a cup and squash them.
littlechick- you just made me lol at my desk. now everyone is looking at me funny. oh well, that was FUNNY!
spiders can be controlled with garlic/pepper tea, or orange oil but, it is better to knock the webs and nests down with a broom or vacuum them. Citronella sprays such as Skeeter D’Feeter also work well.

I was told about a product that will prevent spiders and wasps from locating their webs and nests in unwanted locations is Dr. T's Cobb Web Eliminator.

The ingredients are:
Capsaicin (hot pepper)
Corriander oil
Anise oil

I prefer the orange oil, be careful using in on plastic or painted surfaces.

none of these are toxic to you or your chickens and can be used safely.
I didnt read all the posts, BUT If it hasnt been mentioned use the best weapon in our arsenol on small things like that..........A VACUM CLEANER. It extends your reach and sucks them into the bag where they cant hurt you and you cant see them. Well in your case use a shop vac for the bigger ones. Anyway, when done take the bag outside and burn it immediately. Or for the ones in the shop vac you can spray killer stuff into it and recap it. Put a pc of duct tape over the inlet hole. tada all done.....
I used to be afraid of spiders until I inherited a childs tarantulas when he went off to college. I was really creeped out and they still arent my favorite living thing, but I was amazed to learn they had individual personalities (if you can call it that!) like anything else.
Black widows...I think people gave you excellent advice on dealing with them. I also know on some of the arachnid boards people will pay money for them.

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