- Apr 27, 2012
- 32
- 1
- 24
Hey y'all. I have my first batch of chicks (6) in their brooder. They are 2 1/2 weeks old and 5 run around, chirp, come running when I put my hand in the brooder. But one--a Buff Orp--is different, and I don't know if it is a problem. She eats, drinks and poops--so that is good. But, she never does what the others are doing. She is the slowest to feather out, she doesn't run or chirp. When the other birds are all running about with a bit of strawberry or something, she is standing staring into the corner. When they are up and doing...she is asleep. When they are asleep, she is pecking around. She is by far the most skittish and seems to have no enthusiasm for anything. The other birds are not picking on her...they just ignore her. Should I be worried or do anything?
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