

In the Brooder
May 29, 2015
Bought 5 chicks from a gal who claimed that they were true ameraucanas. They are now 10 weeks old. 2 of the 5 have developed muffs and beards while the other 3 have not. Are they EE's or something completely different?
The grey one doesn't look like a ameraucana or EE because she doesn't have a pea/rose comb. Could you post pics of the others? ameraucanas come in certain colors.
See I used to have a lavender Orpington that died and I was thinking that that was what these looked like. It is a single comb. These are photos of the ones that look like ameraucanas.


See I used to have a lavender Orpington that died and I was thinking that that was what these looked like. It is a single comb. These are photos of the ones that look like ameraucanas.

Check the bottoms of the feet. If the skin is yellow, they are Easter Eggers. If white, pink, or grey they are Ameraucana.
Bought 5 chicks from a gal who claimed that they were true ameraucanas. They are now 10 weeks old. 2 of the 5 have developed muffs and beards while the other 3 have not. Are they EE's or something completely different?
This one looks like a Lavender Orpington. The others are either Blue Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers (more likely).

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