Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

The EthelM Factory is owned by one of the sons from the M&M Corporation. It is in the south end of Vegas and they also have beautiful cactus gardens with it. Plus free chocolate samples after the free factory tour. It's an absolute must. BTW stray away from the strip casino hotels. Circus Circus is one of the worst. Stayed there once, never again. I now stay at the Hilton, which is one block behind the strip. Casinos make you walk miles to get to your rooms and you pay more for the rooms. All casinos offer free valet parking. Well you are expected to pay a tip. It's worse the money, because all the parking houses are way behind the casinos and you walk you feet into the ground. Pick a casino and walk from there up and down the strip. You have to see the Venetian. It's is gorgeous. Stop in Henderson (Boulder City) when you see the Hoover Dam. There is a diner in town (the only one) and their food is absolutely the best. Great milk shakes and burgers! The Hoover Dam is a great thing too. Book the long tours, because you see so much more, but you do need reservations before you go there. They book out fast.

I have been in bumpy rides myself. Snow storm in Vienna, but the landing was smooth. Had no idea how bad it was until they lost power in the airport and we were stuck for hours. Engine fire at take off from Monterey to San Francisco. Landing was fine and engine as not on fire. They have build in engine extinguishers. Bird strike in an propeller engine of a 10 person passenger flight. Landed with one engine. Propeller was bend out of place from the bird. Turbulences on a flight from Monterey to San Francisco. Heck of a bouncy flight, stuff was flying all over in the small propeller plane. Quite honest flights are way safer then driving in a car. Accidents happen very seldom and your chances of getting hurt are almost zero. I've flown all over the world and can't even count how often I have been on a plane. The average person will never encounter as much stuff as I have, simple because of the amount of flights I have taken. I have also encountered the strangest pilots. Some were close to be insane. Not to mentions some sick African bush pilots. I swear the won their license in the lottery. Had a crazy Swedish pilot flying us through the Grand Canyon, what a ride that was. In and out of various canyons. Was on a commercial propeller flight from Horizon (Alaska Air). They had a wedding anniversary on the plane so they decided to fly circles into Crater Lake National park. That was a cool thing to do, and they flight added 15 extra minutes to it. A good thing may be to know what all the sounds are and how the airplane works. That can ease so much of it. So don't worry about the flight. Enjoy Vegas.
Oh forgot to mention. Grand Canyon is not a good idea in winter. It's freaking cold out there and they do get snow.
We did death valley in January and froze our butts off.
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Ok. I put my eggs in on Saturday but started my count on Sunday. When do I start spraying the eggs. I have been turning 3 times a day and i put a little bit of water on the face cloth in there, the Humidity & Temp have both been stable at what they are ment to be...but...when do I start spraying the eggs, or dont I have to spray them with me putting water on the cloth.
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Yes Ma'am, your boys are going to be daddy's. I have 7 in the bator, due on the 14th Jan. I put in 5 Pekin and I THINK 2 of Fionas that I got from Dipsy. The Runner girls arent laying yet so no Runner babies. The groups have been split now, Finn is in with the babies (5) and William with Pekins and 3 from Dipsy (8)
Ooooohhhhh... I can't wait! I am on pins and needles! They are going to make gorgeous babies.
I hope William will throw some Magpie color out there somewhere, if not, oh well what can I say, at least I will get all white ducks. Thats unless Finn got in there and I end up with Blue Pekin mix babies, now that would be cool. I left Sly my Jumbo in with her sisters so I hope I will get a big colored duck out of her and Finn. If and when she lays if she has a girl then I will keep it but I will sell the drakes. But I will send you the pics if we end up with any Magpie looking babies from Williams side of the fence.
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